#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

No it doesn’t. Classic WoW gives retail the opportunity for retail to make up for its mistakes. Again:

Classic is Classic. That’s all it’s ever going to be.

Anticipating WoW to diverge down some alternate timeline is an interesting thought to have, but it’s a propagated fan theory that was conjured from nothing more than hype and excitement. That’s all it is.

Just because a WoW dev mentioned tackling unfinished content from the original game doesn’t even remotely mean they’re going to do anything beyond a few small additions. It’s just an idea they tossed around.

The amount of resources that would have to go into making a new, alternative WoW expansion alongside retail’s consistent expansions would make Blizzard lose a lot of money. The only way I could ever see them doing that is if they separated the subscription costs for Classic and retail, but if they did, people would be up in arms about Blizzard trying to milk them for their money.

Blizzard isn’t going to do anything that ambitious with Classic. Not when they have retail. The only thing Classic will do is make retail more similar to Classic.

It’s a simple calculus. We don’t know the pserver data of every population in existence, but it’s safe to assume its a fraction of what WoW classic has right now. Human beings do not repeat the same tasks over and over, there is a reason WoW classic only lasted 2 years before BC. Nobody will repeat the same content over and over for years.

Your random pondering about blizzard’s motives and logic has no basis, note that I never suggested a Classic xpac. New content like old school runescape is keeping that game alive right now while staying true to the old school nature.

Yes because a fan theory totally does.


LOL just love how you all trot that same tired statement out again and again to support your claims. OSRS is NOT this game. And for the record…even the changes to OSRS that have been made were turned down by the players, but the devs put the changes in anyway. Sorry but that excuse doesn’t hold water. The devs at Actiblizz simply can’t be trusted to change ANYTHING due to the Pandora’s Box or Butterfly Effect if you will…that Ion Hazzikostas addressed regarding potential changes to Classic before it even launched

I took your advice and re-read your post. But I also know how to read between the lines too. The only people who are all about “Need more content or the game will die” are the retail folks who didn’t even WANT Classic to begin with. These are the same people who wrote up and posted the Wall of No threads and now that Classic is here, they are doing everything they can possibly think of to get changes put into the game in an attempt to sabotage it out of spite. Therefore, the highly questionable 95% figure you quoted as to how many people will quit if no content is added…to me that implies the retail crowd, because the people who have been begging Blizzard to give us vanilla WoW over the last 9+ years would NEVER want any changes or content added and were perfectly happy with what we’ve been given. Myself included

It’s also a complete fabrication. Blizzard have said no such thing, and have actually said many times the exact opposite.


I am currently enjoying classic the way that it is currently. My nostalgia is through the roof! Classic is AWESOME!

With that being said, I don’t understand people’s 100% aversion to any change whatsoever. I also don’t understand the conclusion that if someone open to new content years into the future then they should quit classic because the belong in retail.
I mean I get it, Classic is a dream come true. It’s the triumphant return of the thing we waited so long to come back. But really guys, If blizzard decided to add a new Holiday event someday would you really be that upset? If Blizzard decided to change some numbers around on some one off item would you really lay an egg?
They added content during vanilla. They made changes during vanilla. Keeping up with those changes has always been a part of the experience.

In fact, now that I am typing this all out, doesn’t it make more sense to say that the #nochanges crowd are the ones that don’t belong? Shouldn’t they go back to private servers? No, thats still stupid…

I for one don’t want a time capsule experience. I could never get in to private servers for this reason. I want Classic to be a living document just how Vanilla was back in the day.

Either way, I am content with what I have for the time being.

The only good change that can come from classic is on the retail side. Even if it melted down to one server, it’d probably be packed. Let classic be classic. That’s the whole point.

If #nochanges will kill the game- I guess we know BfA’s going to be a huge hit as it’s changed everything.

The vocal petulants who did nothing to get Classic here (that was all the private server community, streamers, a small section of the retail player base, and Mark Kern) are now jumping in and loudly demanding the same nonsense that brought retail to its knees, AGAIN. If it wasn’t a threat to the game that we now have to play, it would be ridiculous and funny.

If you don’t like the game as it is, it’s not for you. Don’t jump into a community and a many years long passion project and immediately try hijacking and poisoning it with your toxic entitlement, when you did nothing to bring it about. Honestly, the gall, ignorance, and arrogance is astounding - inevitable and predictable maybe, but still mind boggling.


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I do like the game how it is, I just want more.

Keep crying about no changes bud.

Yea I want the classic+ route in a couple years. Make a new expansion, but make it the same rules as classic.

However what I want asap and has nothing to do with anyone’s ability to play the game is a toggle for the new models. I know they had some problems, but they should work to fix it. It should be a toggle on the client side, like it was a couple years ago.

This has absolutely nothing to do with gameplay, and frankly I find it crazy it was not implemented like this.

I want…I want…I want…

That’s all we hear from you retail folks about how much you love classic BUT…This isn’t about YOU. This isn’t about what you WANT. This is about what WE have been begging for Blizzard for nearly 10 YEARS and only JUST NOW finally got. And now that it’s here and barely a week old, YOU PEOPLE can’t just leave it alone. You’d rather see the rest of us suffer because retail isn’t good enough for you, and Classic isn’t to your liking either, so now you are trying to take away our ONLY refuge from retail for your own selfish designs and to hell with what anyone else wants right???

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The #nochanges crowd ruined this game. It’s fun, but YIKES it’s insane how ez everything is. Irritating/trivially ez. Makes me sad, because the game is a blast overall.

Okay, now explain why you should get the change you want, but Tim does not get his. What about jenna and becky?

You’re not getting it. Classic WoW is a snapshot in time-- of a different team, in a different state of mind. Vanilla WoW was the perfect storm of several different variables that simply do not exist anymore. You can’t just stuff the lightning back in the bottle once it’s out.

The fact that you think Blizzard has actually learned with retail is pretty damning as far as I’m concerned. Literally nothing they’ve done to retail in the last several expansions is anything I want in Classic. So, thanks, but no thanks.

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How is that nochanges fault? Blizzard went with 1.12 because it’s what they had. We didn’t ask for this nerfed version of vanilla.

…and holy crap, WE HAVE CLASSIC in a rigorous form. I could care less about it being 100% the same, only that they did their best to make it as authentic as possible with the same data in a world where hardware, the internet, and gaming communities have fundamentally changed.

And it’s pretty damned close (layering aside, which will be removed anyway). I have yet to experience anything that has felt “wrong”. I’m super appreciative it’s here at all.

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exactly. i would have much preferred around 1.7 or so, except with the various greater blessings for paladins built in.

It’s not that changes are strictly bad, it’s that who do you trust to make the changes? And once you start changing things it’s a slippery slope.