#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

It’s more than nostalgia. Those who want Classic to remain as true as possible to the original understand that it’s about the game.

Those who want changes think it’s all about THEM. They’re the center of the universe, and everything in it revolves around them.

Not everything has to be about you .

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the pserver argument is valid. There are thousands who still risk it on them. I personally figured blizzard giving us legit servers was a better option so i am here now. 10k players active at the same time on ONE (just one) server shows your ignorance.

Tons of pservers exist! Most of them actually add or edit new functions in the game (2x-50x rates, some have new races, quests, classless servers, etc etc), proving private servers THEMSELVES made a sort of Classic+ for their own community.

Because despite private servers having millions of unique accounts, the peak was 10k concurrent players. That’s embarrassing, and shows what happens if you don’t update your game.

Did you know that classic was able to get 8 million new subscribers willing to pay 15 bucks back in the day by adding new content? It might shock you.

Imagine trusting Activision to do anything right.

Go back to retail.

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See now you are moving the goalposts. The original argument was that pservers weren’t that popular since they only had 10k people on it during peak usage. That’s PER SERVER genius…imagine now how many people would be logged in and playing if the people who hosted Blizzlike vanilla servers had the resources and hardware that Blizzard does…You are now talking about custom pservers that have drastically altered how the game is played which was not even remotely being discussed at the time

More like it is two different people talking you clown. There is no hivemind like you’re trying to insinuate with your only real classic players are the ones that share my opinion!

Yeah, no, you didn’t win any battle at all. I don’t want changes. I’m fine with Classic. I wanted what I got (except for layering). We already have classic with changes, it’s called retail.

The point was that the a large portion of the pserver community has already implemented their own version of a Classic+ model to stay afloat. It’s good you brought up Blizz’s hardware, which takes skilled employees to staff and maintain for Classic WoW. I’m wondering how Blizz’s servers will continue to operate with a 95% sub dropoff within 5 years…

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Your “favorite” game had its moment to flourish and thrive back in 2004. It still exists in 2019 with Battle for Azeroth, and will inevitably exist with the next expansion that is more likely to implement ideas from Classic than some people might be hesitant to believe.

I hate the idea that this game HAS to have consistent updates beyond the game that was completed in 2006. It doesn’t have to be anything other than what it is. Hundreds of thousands of people spent years playing Vanilla and only Vanilla, because Vanilla was enough. The only thing that will come from Classic is Burning Crusade, and having Burning Crusade is not a bad thing.

And we shouldn’t even be thinking about this at this point in time. The game has been out for a week. Why are we even speculating at this point when we still have content to experience ahead of us?

I get that people want Classic to recapture that moment they discovered World of Warcraft for the first time, but it’s not going to happen. Classic is a great game and you don’t need nostalgia goggles for it, but to say this game lives or dies by its updates is to ignore how long private servers have persisted for so long by the support of their communities.

Classic doesn’t need updates. Classic is fine as it is. Leave it alone, enjoy the game as we have it, and stop anticipating what’s going to happen in the future. There’s no point in fretting over it.

ROFLMAO 95%??? You HONESTLY think that 95% of the Classic players are people who play retail?? You are clearly in denial as to just how many people resubbed for Classic ALONE…UNTOUCHED. The ONLY way those people will ever leave is if these theoretical changes are made. Period end

Classic only existed for 2 years before the launch of BC. New content kept WoW afloat. Classic WoW gives the option to follow a different path without making retail’s mistakes.

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Well, something’s going to kill the game, but I don’t think it’s #NOCHANGES. I think it’s “time”. Eventually, people will move on. And the thing is (and this is important, so pay attention) … there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with a game that entertains people for a year or two and then those folks move to something else.

“World of Warcraft: Classic” isn’t going to last forever regardless of how many things are done to it to try to extend its life. And I like it fine the way it is.

You’d be surprised at how many people subbed just to play classic, not because it is untouched but because it is a fundamentally different game. Keep gatekeeping and speaking for other people with no evidence, at least we posted numbers to prove a point. You have nothing.

sorry the same people who made those mistakes are running the show at Activision. I ain’t trusting any ‘changes’ to them.

Yeah…MADE UP numbers…numbers that are completely NOT proven but speculated upon. Sorry I’m not buying it. It is YOU who are speaking for people with no evidence

No, I don’t believe 95% Classic players play retail. Reread what I said. I actually agree with you though, the resubs were a huge profit for Blizz. People will stop their subscription once they are bored of doing the same zones and the same raids over and over again for years. Do you really think people will continue to pay $15 a month to redo MC, Naxx and Ony thousands of times forever? If so, you’re delusional dude.

Nope not at all. The pserver people have done it for 15 years as I and many others have already stated…and yet you have no real counterpoint to that. Instead you choose to ignore it entirely and keep spouting off nonsense

The highest pop pserver was only 10k. That’s absolutely nothing and Blizz won’t allow WoW classic subs to revert to a number like that. Your circular logic doesn’t work unfortunately, no matter how many times you repeat it.

And I already addressed that one as well…you are taking the conversation in circles here not me