#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

The only portion of the game I have liked from Vanilla-BFA is World PvP and Battlegrounds. I have the same amount of fun each and every day doing it and said fun never expires. I don’t require anything further.

“Again, what is wrong with you people? The game was released 9 days ago. But now many of you alleged “no changes” people are crying for changes. Go plead your case retail. Once you make even one change to Classic, the slippery slope has begun and can never ever be reversed.”

Ahh, the slippery slope fallacy. That’s an interesting one.

Or just roll a new class on another server too if needed. Game does play alot different depending on class


Apologies for chopping at your comment, and going completely off topic here but I gotta -

I totally read that with Tim Curry - Frank N Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show in mind. If that was your intention - well played, Murgatroyd, well played.

Ok, back to the topic.


Its week two, please save this type of thread for a few months after aq40 and so on. Why do you people crave content when 95% of the player base is below 40. Take a breather and enjoy the game for the moment.

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If you want new content then go play retail. Now leave us alone

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It’s not going to happen, and the reason is simple…

TBC servers will cost like this much… $

Developing new content will cost like this much… $$$$$$$$$$$

Both accomplish exactly the same thing for Blizzard, keeping people subbed. The former is much more profitable because of the much lower cost.

They’re not going to create new content for vanilla servers when they have TBC sitting there already developed and in big demand. They’ve already said that adapting TBC will be much easier than adapting vanilla was, because they now have the blueprint and much of the work is already done.

TBC servers will bring in this much cash -$$$$$ (minus because tons of ppl will quit)
Classic + servers will bring this much cash $$$$$$$

Easy decision

So ‘we’ thought we wanted #nochanges, but we really didn’t…

Huh, that sounds kind of familiar.

It’s not always a fallacy to point out the possibility of a slippery slope. Although if the term bothers you, we could always substitute “Thin end of the wedge”.


Got a source for this claim?

No. And no. And no again. The reasons have been articulated ad nauseum.


Nope. I’m enjoying going very slowly, exploring, grouping up, because I know that once I get 60 and can start grinding gear, all that progress isn’t going to end.


I’m all in for the no change on some things, but I’m not gonna lie, I’d love dual spec purchase even if it was with a hefty price of gold.

What we are seeing now is that every change is killing the game…

Just look at Layering.


Exactly because it’s my money/time not yours :sunglasses:

Well depending on your opinion of Modern WoW, “changes” killed the game.

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We are literally one week into the most successful game launch in Blizzard’s history and people still cannot resist gloom & dooming it.

Just play the game and have fun already, like everyone else.

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There is “no doom and gloom”. Figuring out how to make Classic successful for years to come is important for server pop and community.

" #NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game"

So what. Big deal.
