#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

The new models one is the most funny to me when people say #nochanges to that, Classic WoW already has many visual updates, you know Vanilla WoW didn’t have dynamic shadows right? smh.

The new models are hideous, and we didn’t ask for “dynamic shadows”. Blizzard put that in there on their own. I’d be 100% okay if they weren’t there.

The nostalgia goggles is strong with this one, the original modes look worse than dreamcast games.

The new models look worse than post-digestion Chipotle.

I like the idea of Classic+, where they keep the mechanics the same and just add new quests/dungeons/raids… Or even, new expansions using an alternate timeline.

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That’s literally called retail. That is what Blizzard’s idea of good and engaging content is.

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Similarly, it’s real funny to me that people don’t understand that Blizzard didn’t consciously decide “Hey, let’s add dynamic shadows to classic”. In fact, they exist by consequence of using the BFA Client. Something done only because of the technical limits and risks of attempting to use an old, incompatible, security vulnerable 1.12 client.

Had Blizzard started with a 1.12 client and intentionally added dynamic shadows, you’d have a point. But in fact, the only intentional changes they’ve made have explicitly been to roll in classic assets (like models).

So yes, #nochanges, no new models. Blizzard has quite literally stated this is the mission statement here as well.

Source: World of Warcraft Official Website
Date: November 3rd, 2018
Article Name: Restoring History: Creating WoW Classic Panel Recap

In restoring World of Warcraft Classic, our guiding principle has been to provide an authentic experience. Things might run a bit smoother and the hardware is better, but the game should still look and feel like you’re playing World of Warcraft from 2006. Things like combat equations, original models, and hunter skills are certainly part of that—but things like social dynamics are a part of that too.

The literal stated goal is look and feel like you’re playing World of Warcraft from 2006, specifically calling out original models as an example.

“smh” indeed :roll_eyes:


You don’t seem to understand basic concepts… such as “new content” = what they eventually made into retail. NO THANKS.

Dude probably has never even completed or sniffed a 40 man Naxx raid and he’s wanting new stuff already. It’s literally insane.

Only retail people complain about nothing to do. A lot of people that came back were on private servers playing classic for the last 15 years and they are not complaining.


Wow, that’s an opinion.

(Holy moly that’s insane.)

Could we just play the game for more than a few weeks before we declare it dead?


“You don’t seem to understand basic concepts… such as “new content” = what they eventually made into retail.”

No way dude, it was the new content that made retail retail, not the design deicisions? You’re so smart broooo!

"Dude probably has never even completed or sniffed a 40 man Naxx raid and he’s wanting new stuff already. "


I’ll post what I’ve posted in every one of these threads. Yes. I would rather blizzard let’s classic run its course and after naxx is out, if it dies it dies. Don’t add content. Dont roll to TBC or at least don’t force these characters to roll to TBC. Don’t develop new classic+ content. Let this version of the game stand on its own merits for what it is and what it was and let is play the game as is for as long as we want. It’s okay for great things to end. It’s okay if this classic experience only lasts two or three years. Then let’s see blizzard, or someone else, makes something genuinely new instead of milking a game that will be old enough to vote by then.


“classic+” seems to be a term invented by players. You can ask for it, but will Blizzard actually deliver?

This face option I’m using was actively removed by the new models. It’s no longer available. What if I want to be skullface?

I hear there’s a hit new expansion, “Battle for Azeroth” out. Sylvanas is Warchief! You should check it out.

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Actually wanting those disgusting new models is the only insane thing here.

Your opinion is really unpopular, so I imagine using the term ‘disgusting’ is a bit of an exaggeration.

Again, what is wrong with you people? The game was released 9 days ago. But now many of you alleged “no changes” people are crying for changes. Go plead your case retail. Once you make even one change to Classic, the slippery slope has begun and can never ever be reversed.

Btw, I am loving my level 21 warrior. Classic is great. #nochanges.


no change = means not alowing for all the retail garbages that killed wow.
stop complaining because a handfull of nobodies with WAY too much time on their hands rampaged the 1-60 grind by exploiting each and very bugs in the game.

the onyl reason classic would fail is if we start adding retail trash. also in case you did not notice… the servers are doing great. but if you not happy that you cant turn classic into retail… you can alway go on retail no one will miss oyu