#nochanges to PvP! Include CRBGs

It technically is because since Burning Crusade that is how Battlegrounds work.

Here is the basic problem. Random queues are counter to what Vanilla was about. Players like myself do not want any LFX or CRX stuff in the game.

It takes you 45 minutes to find a tank? As a career tank my first question is why don’t you know any tanks? I saw this complaint a lot from people who, surprise, were really awful to tank for.

Its the same with BGs. Relying on Blizzard to fix problems the players caused themselves ruins the game. I love that a player can be blacklisted from premades for exploiting or being a confirmed bot.

Your experience is unfortunate. You came to the game after most of the rankers were done, and on a low population server. I’ve said repeatedly that if Blizzard can flip a switch that lets people in that situation have CRBG that’s fine with me. If I’m on a healthy server with reasonable queue times, don’t bring that garbage here.


CRBG’s need to be in the game for a healthy BG community. No one enjoys being stuck on an imbalanced server where bg q’s are impossible or a server where one side wins 80% of the time. Neither faction may even get q’s at all if its 3 AM server time. Cross realm bgs will seam out the anomalies any particular server may have, and allow you to queue up whenever you want. BGs are the only cross realm functionality that should be implemented at all, of course.


I asked this question because most of the private server ranking people have videos of themselves being in favor of CRBGs, these are people who play the game 16 hours daily.

Now, why does this matter?

Because let’s look at that number. 16 hours a day. That’s 112 hours a week. That’s three full-time job hours being put into WoW. What does this allow that player or team of players to achieve?

If you are casual and you come home from work and play BGs 3-4 hours a night, you won’t be able to compete. You just won’t. I wasn’t able to compete back in 2006 against no-lifes. So you won’t be able to either.

They will have flasks. They will have potions. They will have grenades. They will have every single advantage over you in every single way. Why? Because when there weren’t any BGs queues, they were farming while you weren’t.

You will be camped. You’ll lose every single game you’re in against this premade. Why? Because this is World of Warcraft Vanilla where time investment is the single most important aspect.

They will have two accounts. They will have an alt on the other faction to see when the pre-made on your faction is queuing and they will dodge them. They will only face PUGs unless the premade is bad. And unless your premade can play 16 hours a day, you won’t be as prepared.

This has been stated in streams and videos about Classic WoW. This will happen in Classic.

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Good analysis. This is why BG’s must be cross realm.

Have you considered that queueing in CRBG that early you will encounter more of these teams and not less?

Instead of just the two poopsocker ranking guilds on your server, you are dealing with everyone’s poopsocker ranking guilds. Not to be crass, but to make the point lol.

They are playing 16 hours a day spamming BGs, as you said.

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Statistically you’re not going to encounter many of those players. Not many people are going to be able to commit that time to the game. You’re going to have a few premade teams per realm who can commit to those hours.

So for every one hardcore premade team. You deal with 99 pugs. Maybe not 99… but like seven or ten. Unsure of the exact number.

I highly doubt this. Vanilla PVP is unique in that the honor system is the PVP end game.

I’m not concerned about the number you throw out, it is that premades will be a lot more common than that.

Who knows, maybe we will both be right.


Bruh, ok I’m tauren now (with anathema lolol). Click on my profile and go to achievements. Go to legacy then to pvp. Down the bottom.

First Sergeant
Earned the title, “First Sergeant” at level 60.

Terrible title but proof that I had a 60 during vanilla. Where’s yours? Oh your profile is hidden. Makes sense.

I edited the 99 pugs. Maybe one hardcore for every ten or so pugs.

I can see the hardcore players argument on this though. How enjoyable will PVP be when you’re facing a premade who has consumables just to win their games?

Actually that is very enjoyable. It is what us non-CRBG people have been trying to tell pro-CRBG people.

The ironic thing is that there is nothing special about premades. Not having CRBG lets you build a roster of people you enjoy playing with and build a team out of it.

You could go into every game with a comp of people who you have had fun with, won games with, and are decent to be around.

You might lose to the turbo nerd guild now and then, but you’ll roll people playing WoW as a single player solo queue game. CRBG will still have that, it just won’t be the people who want them insta fast queues that benefit.


My personal biggest problem with CRBG’s is the AFK’ing. Players doing that, need real, actual, punishments. I’m all for public shaming. Let them wear a nameplate for ever lengthening durations “Coward of the Basin” or the other relevant BG’s. Deny their BG que’s too, for the like duration.
Yes, I like the idea of same server rivalries. But…that said, in a war, you can’t possibly know everyone. So, variety is nice. The not knowing.
But the kaving, that just burns me. Your whole team is diminished because you don’t wanna. Yeah, if they’re gonna do CR’s, they should incorporate real, lasting, actual punishments for those that AFK.
If not, I’m just not going to go through that again. I’ll get my pvp in the world.

I’m expecting them to come out with a blue post to say

“We’ve seen there has been lots of discussion about CrossRealm battlegrounds. While they were in 1.12, we will be excluding them from the first phase with battlegrounds. Should the need arise for them down the line we’ll reevaluate.”

Why? Because it’s an easy win for them. Many don’t want it as can be seen from the forums and reddit. They can angle it the same way they did loot tables where they said they’ll add them later. They can leave it open so they can deal with it a year or a year and a half down the road.

I personally do not think they should be included in phase 3 with the launch of BGs. That is not authentic to Vanilla WoW. I’m just hoping they do not shut the door on the issue completely.

As many of you have pointed out. I started late. I just don’t want it to be phase six and then I’m dealing with what I dealt with in 2006.

If they proactively regulate ratios and queue times are not over a certain amount (say, 30 minutes for :poop:s and giggles) then what effect would not having them have on you? If queue times are actually reasonable (and no, I am not talking anything over 5 minutes being “too long”), why would you care?

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The queue times people are worried about are like 45 minutes to an hour.

Currently right now on retail on my horde character I wait 12 minutes for a BG and 3 for my alliance toons. No one is worried about 5 minute queue times, apologies if you thought that was the issue.

Ye pretty much. Once it get towards the hour mark something needs to be done.

It becomes a wasted venture when you constantly repeat the same stance without acknowledging what others have said in return. I made a very valid point, and to be quite frank in your replies are only “they said 1.12 only 1.12, see guys they said 1.12 only 1.12” when it comes to not realizing someone left an open ended response with a possibility and not a definite answer it becomes wasted effort.


How likely do you think that to be in the first 6 months to a year of BGs being open?

Assuming of course that Classic is the hit we think it might be.

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Not very likely, hence why I said they’ll most likely kick this can down the road and deal with it when it reaches phase six.

I’m arguing against the folks who don’t want it at phase six which, if going by original content rollout, should be around 1.5 years after launch.

No need to apologize. There are others who see anything around or longer than 5 minutes as unreasonable.

I do not want it whatsoever, if there is no actual need for it. The pushback is against people wanting it implemented regardless of the need, people who see 5-30 minute queues in off peak in twink brackets as unreasonable.

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It could come to Phase 6, but since blizz didn’t mention anny of it in all of the pvp related updates I’m not sure if it will even be a thing.