#nochanges to PvP! Include CRBGs

And why was it a mechanic for TBC…was it because…queue times were too long? lol

Well it happened, do you think this was blizzards reasoning? Or maybe they had other reasons for implementing cross bgs. Like bg queue times being too long across the board? hmmm. And I plan on making 3 x 60’s so this isn’t a twink thing.

And this is why that type of post needs to be flagged and tossed out, telling people to go away is the same as telling them to play private servers. It is EXACTLY the same. If you can’t see that, then it’s a personal problem, and you are no longer worth the time to respond to.

Have a great day and enjoy Classic.

Why are you personally attacking and harassing that player?

I played without CRBGs. I started the game in patch 1.10 in march of 2006. I still have the character on one of my accounts somewhere.

I played on a low pop server, perhaps the lowest populated server in the game at the time. The server didn’t even get created until late 2005. So we didn’t have too many people playing on it.

It was a horde dominated server. 60-70% were horde. From what I remember, we didn’t do too well in BGs. There were times we had WSG matches that started with 8 players against 10 players. There were times we didn’t have enough people to make a full AV game. Like the game would shut down because there weren’t enough people.

When CRBGs came I actually had full 10v10 games. I was actually able to not face premade after premade. I do recall having the quit many battlegrounds because the horde would camp us at our graveyard and not win the game. Then enough people would quit and they’d just cap to win. Or we’d stay in the spirit form and not rez and force them to just win.

When CRBGs came yes I was able to get into games faster. I was able to spend all day in AV when previously I was not able to do that because sometimes we didn’t have enough people to start the game.

Sure CRBGs weren’t great if you were on a high population realm. But for my realm it was great!

I didn’t play Vanilla to the extent i’d like. I was young then. I got maybe rank 8 or 10 whichever one allowed you to buy the full blue set. I had maybe… two pieces of tier 1? I was a very casual player.

But I’m looking at your achievements and comparing them with my Vanilla character. Some of you guys have scout as your highest PVP achievement or rank 8 like my own character had? So why do you keep saying this is a retail mindset?

It’s not. I really don’t want to pick a server and then a year down the line find myself having Battlegrounds closed on me because I picked the wrong server.

An additional idea to my ideas above:

Show H:A ratio for every server on the server selection screen. State from the start that if your server can maintain a closer ratio than something like say 60:40, your realm will maintain server-only queues. If your ratio gets worse, you will be connected to a xrealm battlegroup with servers with a ratio/playerbase different than yours to help balance queue times.

That gives you both the knowledge and incentive to maintain decent ratios per-server. If you don’t, they use battlegroups to help reduce your queue times. If you don’t want them, get players to help balance the ratio.

And/or if queue times begin to exceed some threshold like 20 minutes or whatever, then you temporarily turn on xrealm BGs to reduce the queue times so that during non-peek hours when there’s not as many people on a single server, you can still play with a decent queue. They could pick specific sets of servers like with battlegroups that you queue with when this happens so you still end to encounter the same people.

Gee. Another Lightforged Dreanei takes issue with me ppinting out that a large portion of those favoring the convenience and instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant”) gratification of CRBG’s are retail players.

Go figure.

I’m sure that their support for the more convenient, faster rewarding CRBG’s has nothing to do with them having a retail, convenience oriented mindset.

In fact, there are some retail players that insist that the more convenient options be implemented in Classic. They hide behind “It was in 1.12 so it absolutely, positively HAS to be in Classic”. Their insistence upon convenience couldn’t possibly be related to a retail mindset, could it?

Why not just have faction ratio regulating login queues?

I have my doubts about the number of players unsubbing due to queue times affecting their decision to add CRBGs. Blizzard wasn’t “forced” to do anything, and they never actually released a reason why they implemented CRBGs, but I’m leaning more towards Kolben’s reasoning that it was testing for upcoming changes to overall PVP in BC.

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And how long would those potentially be? And what if you had no queue when you started, but a ton of people rolled your faction and you’re now stuck on a server with a queue just for your faction… Now you get to deal with a queue or re-roll? Potentially wasting days or more of played time because something happened you had no way of predicting?

Why not just give crBG’s to all PVE and RP servers? Pvp servers can keep their excessively long queue times. Everyone’s happy, yay!

Why not disable BGs on PVE and RP servers? That would solve the issue as well.

(I would actually be OK with CRBGs only on RP/PVE realms. HOWEVER, they should still regulate faction ratios on PVP servers, because imbalance can kill servers due to too bloated one-sided WPVP)

Because that would be yet another non 1.12 change. You really should go play retail, maybe vanilla isn’t for you?

I always played on PvP servers, plenty of people hated long queue times on PvP servers. Plenty of people do both PvP and PvE on PvP servers. I had people in level 60 dungeons who had been in an AV queue or something for over an hour leave right towards the end of a dungeon because their BG finally popped.

You aren’t making ANY sense. Telling someone to play retail is NOT the same as telling someone to go play a Pserver. That sounds more like a personal issue to me than what you’re saying.

Someone should maybe flag your posts for encouraging others to go play private servers, hm?

And aren’t you the one who started playing in late WOTLK and claimed to play vanilla and have vanilla experience because you played Pservers?


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I know, the forums would flood with tears from pvp servers if they didn’t have crBG’s. That’s reality.

Also claims to hate PVP.


So I think this is a fair question to ask to everyone in the thread.

How many of you in this thread plan on ranking in Classic and how many hours per day do you see yourself playing WoW?

I plan on getting whatever rank I earn by doing PVP, I PVP and do BGs because I enjoy them, not to grind some silly ladder.


58 hours a day if I were multiboxing.
I love bgs and pvp I hope we get no crbg, blizzard has already catered to those people long enough and we got bfa warmode just for them.
Yep I am talking about those who played on pvp realms who have been saying since classic they were forced to play on it and they didn’t even bother to level alts when crbg came out saying server transfer is too expensive and legion ruined leveling when all it did was improve it slightly.

CRBG has no impact on ranking. Everyone in your rank competition group will face the same queues. You only compete for rank with those on your faction and realm.