#nochanges is a religion

Not to mention the API changes (to prohibit bot-like actions) that were not necessary to run the game but to IMPROVE the (in that case “bad” + “authentic”) gameplay.

And that was not even a bug fix but a change of a former developer decision cause the API worked as it was programmed without error. The developers did a bad job at the old API in Vanilla WoW. But the old API was “authentic”.

There was no mistake IN the API and it’s functionality.
There was a mistake in a design decision of the developers to allow “if…then” executes and other stuff.

And so Blizzard changed this to make it better for WoW: Classic. It’s a great improvement and besides it is the first (and only necessary) break for the slippery slope argument.

A former design got re-designed because of “good intention to improve the game”.

And if anybody even claims that the API change runs under “bug fix” than we can have every change running under “bug fix” that was a formerly wrong/bad decision of the Vanilla developers that “has to be improved”.

Really glad I haven’t watched the re-releases of the old ones and stuck to the og VHS with poopy video, cgi, and sound. Don’t care if I can see the prop lightsabre through the light just those things alone sound horrible.

I’m pretty religious and religion to me is about helping giving order and perspective to your life and to help make decisions. This would be like looking at what makes Classic great, and then making slight changes to adjust it to keep it faithful to the SPIRIT of the original game.

I think the #nochanges crowd is now a cult. There is only one response, there is no thinking behind it, and it is at the request of their fanatical leaders. The spirit of the game suffers, and we get a freezeframe of the game where it was at one point that for me, aside from the content, was the least like the original spirit of the game.

Unfortunately Blizzard can’t win this one. So they are going to wash their hands and make it as faithful as they can to the original at said freeze frame. The GOOD NEWS is that if Classic is successful, Blizzard can use that to improve the current game. So rational people need to speak up and stop using hyperbole about how bad Blizzard is and “modern WoW” is and point out the good with the bad, so the game can actually improve. I think it is, but very, VERY slowly. Hopefully Classic can give the devs the perspective they need to make maaajoorrr changes for the next expansion that bring back everything we loved about playing Vanilla.


What’s deliciously ironic is a “Wall of No” poster like you reduced to trolling the Classic playerbase because they’re getting the game that you insisted would never happen.


Or, you know, we want the game as it was, as advertised and we don’t want to give people who ask for changes an inch because they will try to take a mile after that.


a little history lesson is needed here.

#nochanges was made by people who wanted a version of the game that had nothing it in other than what happened in the original timeframe of vanilla which was 1.1-1.12.

now it varies from there all the way from going progression patches 1.1 all the way up to 1.12 and everything in between or some franken patch or some straight up snapshot of 1 patch .

it was always about having nothing in that was not within the 1.1-1.12 timeline.

so ya you hear conflicting opinions and statements but the core is still the same.

it was all a response to people spamming “this one change wont hurt anything” threads and all the garbage balance threads and the like.

sticking to a core design can be viewed as a religion.

but we wouldnt have classic if not for those people you are trying to degrade.


Well its morphed some too because everyone just thought if Blizzard gave them the real numbers it would all be perfect. They have since discovered that things weren’t really all that difficult, it was more that they and others around them stunk and didn’t have good internet connections. This has now led them to ask for things to be tuned harder, which is a change, but because they are on the " good " side its ok to change and adjust it away from the original.

So yeah even as I’ve been mostly a no changes guy, it has a very hypocritical side to it, which isn’t unlike many religions.

Hey Ziryus, serious question: why don’t you list here all the changes you want to see in Classic WoW? Show us your brilliance on how your changes would make this game so much better? Since you are not in the #nochanges cult, share with us your wisdom.

Pro tip about the wall of no, it was all quotes and opinions from blizzard not the people posting it.

And if you ever bothered to actually read anything I actually wrote myself I’ve always said I would play on classic servers if they ever happened.

For a lot of people it’s about not opening the door and needing to defend Classic against a million more “well it wouldn’t hurt to add…” until it resembles something not like Vanilla anymore.

Sometimes people just want to go back and play the game they grew up with and loved. They want to play that specific version of the game they grew up with, not some bastardized version of it.

but I guess it’s a lot easier for some people to just act like anybody who doesn’t agree with them lacks critical thinking =P


They would be making stuff up, and it would delay the game being playable.

Jeff Kaplan once said that killing players is very easy. All they have to do is make damage to players a little too high, boss health a little too high and nobody could beat anything.

We mostly say #nochanges because folks come in the forums about 2-4 per hour with a hot take on how to fix the game.


And “fixing it” is what broke it in the first place.


Leave the data alone.


On top of this in my experience all this ultimately does is just force everybody into the same builds because now you have to run a cookie cutter build in order to do anything in the game.

You pretty much make min/maxing mandatory, even in stuff like 5 player dungeons. No more “well if you don’t care about being less efficient, go for it”.

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I would love to know how many calories you burned back-pedalling on Classic after being a ‘Wall of No’ contributor and hearing about the announcement.


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None because I didn’t :slight_smile:

Blizzard did though :stuck_out_tongue:

A better title would have been #No Changers are Zealots. Zealots are steadfast in their their beliefs are right and just, even if you show them an error in the beliefs. You can change an opinion, but with zealots, change and compromise is impossible.

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In my experience around here when people say something along the lines of “show them an error in their beliefs” they really mean “You’re unreasonable unless you agree with me”.

That goes for both pro and no change groups who try to call out the other side for that sort of thing.

A lot of people simply have a hard time accepting that somebody else has a different opinion about a purely subjective topic.

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dude god job you still managed to get all these people triggered

True but the #nochanges crowd has been much less willing to even consider changing their opinion. Keep in mind we have no real dialogue now with blizzard because when a blue did try to open a dialogue the #nochanges crowd just kept chanting #nochanges.

So now we still have changes that we had little input into.

I would say that both sides are equally unwilling to change their opinion. No changes is just a bit more unified because while a lot of us want a lot of different things, we share one common desire: Nothing that wasn’t there during Vanilla.

Pro-change people share no such unification. Just as we don’t all agree on what version of Vanilla we want, you guys can’t agree on what changes you want.

Also I’ve been here since this place opened, so I remember very well when the blue posters talked about changes being a valid discussion in their opinion.

Acting like it was the nochanges crowd as a whole or anything more than a small handful of belligerent people that drove them off is being completely dishonest.

Not that it surprises me that people are being dishonest in trying to push an anti-nochange agenda =P

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