#nochanges is a religion

Let’s face facts, 1.12 is what we have due to that being as far back as blizzard has saved. Fine. But the #nochanges people are now sounding like religious fanatics. 1.12 is not the vanilla experience that we want. Yes, it’s still better than retail but barely. It’s just too easy, it’s the beginning of the end of the vanilla that was on release, intended to steal away all the EQ players from going with EQ2 (because it was more like EQ1… not a cakewalk). Pre 1.12 was better because it was harder, period.

So to the #nochanges fanatics, you are simply wrong, wrong wrong.

What Blizzard should do is take 1.12 and make it harder. Would be easy to do. THAT WOULD BE VANILLA, THAT IS WHAT WE WANT.


Changes I wouldn’t mind is the option to see new models for characters and mobs. The tarantula’s in Elwynn Forest look like they were taken straight from an N64 game.


Im fine with the models, but i think they should update their normal maps to account for the newer engine.

Tax exemption here we goooooo!


EQ 2 was released a couple weeks BEFORE WoW…in 2004. so how was 1.12 intended to steal players from a game that got crushed 2 years prior. And EQ2 didnt go free to play until 2010.

Honestly i still want the ability to buy rested xp.


i could argue that #changes is a religion all the same.

simple fact is though #nochanges is what brought us all to the party .


Except that WoW was intending to do that on launch not just with 1.12. I played WoW, my brother played EQ2. He would give me crap all the time. Then one day I went afk mid gnomer run as tank. Came back to him sitting in my chair refusing to get up, and they stole that EQ/EQ2 gamer from that moment forward.

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we’ll see when TBC servers come

well, back then, it wasn’t “hard”. It was just some classes and specs being not reliable. But there were specs that weren’t made easier at all.

But, about raids - you are right, they should denerf them.

Guildbank…Dual Specc…a clock under the minimap…Debuff Slot Limit increase & Re-tune of bosses…separated pvp gear with pvp stats so that pve players won’t roll over pvp-only players in pvp…rated battleground instead of grind-rating (no arena!).

More RPG elements…e.g. tabards.

Nah. It’s the total opposite.
Religion (or fanaticism) is about fixed ways of thinking and the praise and veneration of a superordinate goal, without even recognizing alternatives… And that fits NoChanges like nothing else.
There is just 1 way for NoChanges. No exception.

Changes on the other hand is a position open up for everything even if one changer maybe doesn’t agree to all changes. It’s about compromise and finding solutions and shows the act of moving forward trying to cure mistakes and to improve what is given.

It’s just like the war between philosophy and religion in that meme pics.

Changes: Questions that may never be answered.
NoChanges: Answers that must never be questioned.


I’m not wrong, I’m never wrong. You just have a dog mentality because you are a dog player.

Sure why not?


I didn’t explain it well. Yes you are right. My point is that 1.12 is not the game that Blizzard released to win over EQ1 players. WoW on release, hard as it was, is the game that we want, it’s the game that they made to win over EQ1 players.

That’s what I mean. I think we agree.

Praise be to 1.12! May your glory endure throughout the ages!

Though once we were lost, now we are found! Though once we were slaves to Pandas and cash shop schemes now we are free!

Glory unto you most high #NoChanges
Seriously though, no changes please.


This post is a sin, but I forgive you. :innocent:


Group think hive mind: No changes no matter what!

Mutineer: But 1.12 isn’t the vanilla experience we remember and isn’t nearly as good as WoW at launch. The WoW at launch was harder, required more grouping, more CCing, more interaction with other players, that’s the true experience that we want to recapture in Classic.

Zombie hive mind: you aren’t remembering correctly, here’s a link to how memory works (and doesn’t work): w_w.somebsaboutmemory.org

Mutineer: we are remembering just fine, 1.12 is a watered down for the masses version of vanilla.

Mindless masses: #nochanges

Moonraja, since you are very misinformed, the #nochanges crowd would LOVE to have Vanilla-vanilla back, we’d love to have all the early patch progressions exactly as they occurred, but that just isn’t happening. So we have to settle for the closest thing we can get. 1.12 is closer to Vanilla than TBC, Wrath, etc. If 1.12 is the best we can get, so be it. But posts asking for transmog to be added to Classic results in a harsh #NOCHANGES response.


Alright, getting serious here for a minute.

I can’t speak for anyone else here, but for me the issue is trust.

I don’t trust Blizzard to make changes that would improve the quality of the game. The developers of today do not have the requisite skill or motivation.

The Blizzard of today doesn’t know what an RPG is. They only know E-Sports and addictive mini-games. To trust this company with the task of improving upon vanilla WoW is like trusting a monkey to clean your house. All it’s going to do is throw poo everywhere.

For all it’s imperfections, an unmodified 1.12 is better than any modern day MMO.

You can label me with all the disparaging terms you want, but it won’t make me change my mind.


People go on about 1.12 being in response to something, being a setup for TBC, etc, but 1.12 in itself didn’t actually do a whole lot. In fact, arguably it nerfed DPS by changing how multiple threat modifiers stack together.

The reality is that Vanilla was hit by a series of small changes over 2 years that increased how strong players were, but that even if we had 100% authentic 1.1 WoW then it wouldn’t be a difficult game because WoW was never a difficult game.

It wasn’t 1.12 that stole players from EQ by catering to casual players: It was WoW itself that did that. The game was always that from day 1.

The experience i remember is soloing parts of Gnomer while leveling my Hunter around level 30 in early 2005 before talent revamps had even started and before Dire Maul was even out.

and I was by no means some kind of god tier player.

I would love to have the full patch progression for the sake of authenticity, but the game was never that hard. It’s just that a lot of people weren’t very good at it.


You, sir, have perfectly spelled out why this is such a huge issue for those of us who are #NoChanges and anti-custom-content.

Apart from not wanting a pserver experience from Blizzard.

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