#nochanges is a religion

Sure but in a lot of cases people use #nochanges because they are too lazy to use some critical thinking about a specific change. Guild banks are a perfect example of this, something that would be nothing but positive yet people just rant about #nochanges

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I loved guild banks in TBC, but I still don’t want to open the door. What’s next? Built-in gamepedia? Larger bags? aoe looting? Quest helper?



I don’t know why anyone is still advocating for any changes. The game is half-way through its beta. There aren’t going to be any big changes at this point.

It’s a waste of your time and energy.

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Because guild banks weren’t in the original version of the game. Its not that we lack critical thinking skills(nice troll by the way),it’s just we want as close to an authentic experience as possible. That means no guild banks, no newer character models or any other shinies or convienences that weren’t in Vanilla. Period. If you want those things, play retail.


Yes this is the other rhetoric that makes #nochanges a religion, if you dare to suggest that vanilla wasn’t a perfect game clearly you want retail because somehow it’s a binary choice.

Where did I say it was a perfect game? Nowhere did I say that. Vanilla was not a perfect game, but who cares? Classic is not about “improving” vanilla. Classic is about reliving the game that millions of people fell in love with, warts and all. Why is this so hard to understand?


I should point out to you that “authentic” is not a synonym for “perfect”

The more you know.


This is the foundation of your confusion. We are not seeking a perfect game. We are seeking a Vanilla recreation as close to the original experience as the new infrastructure allows.

You are in the minority, a very small minority, that seems to think the goal is an improved Vanilla game.


Not really I’m just realistic enough to know that regardless of whether there are changes or not the experience won’t be the same.

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No one is denying that.

The phrase that triggered you was “as close to an authentic experience as possible”

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The best example I can come up with is Star Wars. Look at what happened when Lucas rereleased those movies with changed scenes and CGI added. Fans were pissed because that’s not the movies they grew up with. Twenty years later they are still petitioning to have the original Theatrical Versions released. This despite the fact that new versions have way better quality video and sound. It doesn’t matter because adding a CGI jabba ,having Greedo shoot first and Vader yelling NO! ruins the movies for them.


Vanilla being hard is not why people love Vanilla.

If that’s the only reason you like Vanilla, it’s a incredibly hollow reason.


You say that as if none of us have been in the beta and had a chance to experience it for ourselves. Such arrogance.


I’d rather go with the #nochanges folks than someone who spammed the wall of no.


Nice catch! Now I can safely ignore him as a troll


No changes !

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No changes has lost its meaning multiple times. At first it was a response to the wall of no. Then it became a private server experience only. Then it became the mantra of those who didnt want the tediousness of original vanilla when 1.12 was announced. Now its full of people from retail who like what they see after the beta. Qol stuff sprinkled in with the easier less tedious 1.12 in place.

The preservation of the original overall experience has been lost to personal agenda.

Amen :pray: #NOCHANGES!

Fun fact: Blizzard themselves calls guidelines for Classic WoW “tenets”. :open_mouth:

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God damn that was a good response

It was deliciously ironic seeing the #nochanges crowd do a complete 180 when 1.12 was announced and they suddenly decided to redefine #nochanges.

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