#NOCHANGES 🐒 , Arguments flawed and debunked (SERIOUS)

As a Classic player, I don’t want Blizzard trying to “improve” the game. It’s fine being what it is. If that’s not for everyone, so be it.

As a retail player, I don’t want resources going into Classic that could be used to improve the retail product.



I knew my inner grammar zealotry was tingling.

You think you do but you don’t.

None of your points have any real substance. They’re not even consistent with themselves. You claim to know why Blizzard made Classic at all in the first place on one hand (for the “sole purpose” of making money, which is 100% contrary to every official statement they’ve made about the project) and on the other hand claim it’s “reductive” to attempt to assume you know Blizzard’s intents or goals in terms of game design. You’re a hypocrite at best.

The fact is this: Retail is what modern Blizzard considers to be a “good” MMORPG. There is absolutely no reason to believe that they’d be capable of making compelling, authentic vanilla-esque content today. If they could, they would’ve done so and filled that niche in retail already, and bypassed the need to create Classic at all.

Vanilla’s content was made by a different team, in a different time, with a different state of mind, with a different degree of resources at their disposal. You can’t just stuff the lightning back into the bottle once it’s out. That’s why Classic is and always will be a snapshot of time (a “museum” as you put it) and nothing more.

Finally, to express this bluntly, I’d rather see Classic fall off by 95%+ and get condensed into a single server than have it become another cash cow by which to improve their bottom line. Well ALL know what that leads to. Been down that road before, not interested.

You should be petitioning Blizzard to fix retail, not begging them to fork their codebase again to make expansion content for a game that has already received expansion content.


#NoChanges period, ever.

The Classic proponents made a case and convinced Blizzard that they should pursue Classic - a version as close to vanilla as is practical. I while I was not originally in favor of classic the decision was made and I will defend their vision to the end. A #NoChanges period vision.

In any case, it is too soon to talk about Classic+, a year or two after the last stage is rolled out… them maybe a new server type can be discussed. But anyone who wants Classic+ will have to defend why diluting the Classic player base would be a good idea.

So let me state it again: No Changes, period.


I’m as happy as the next guy that Classic is out, but don’t fall for the PR bullcrap dude. Every company wants to make money, that’s the purpose of them. If it wasn’t for making money then it’d be free and not require a subscription.

They wanted to find a way to boost their sub count, simple as that. If WoW was in a great place today Classic wouldn’t have happened.

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I love Classic and I think it’s the better game than retail…but I support a classic+ if they did it like JageX did OSRS…They’d have to be VERY careful though to keep it in the spirit of Classic…the only people against it are people on retail who afraid of their retail game not having a lot of players compared to a classic+ or just die hard no changes people…classic+ is the future.

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Did they confirm they were doing BC and WotLK?

No, but it seems like a no risk move, they would be dumb not to eventually do it.

Sounds like you don’t want to play a game. You just want to sit there and press buttons, see fireworks go off and get a fix.

I think mobile games might be suited to you? I hear they are quite convenient.


That’s not the point of what I said.

I could see them riding off of the popularity of Classic into TBC servers, but I have a hard time seeing far enough to expect a Wrath server. That, I imagine, would be based on the popularity of the TBC servers (if we even get those).

I, personally, would love TBC servers. TBC brought so many good things to the game, it’s hard to even think of them all.

Much better class/spec balance.
Some of the best raids the game ever saw.
Two of the most beloved races in the game.
Hands down the best continent ever added in an expansion.

The list goes on. The game hit a high point of enjoyment in TBC, and I’d love to go back and do that over again once I get my fill of Classic.

The potential revenue for classic+ is a lot higher than potential revenue for TBC or Wrath. Classic+ has the potential to permanently have more players than retail WoW, TBC/Wrath doesn’t.

While TBC/Wrath are more balanced than classic, going for TBC/Wrath means the game will never even be closed to balanced either.

TBC/Wrath introduced a lot of features that aren’t even close to classic gameplay and is basically just going for another market of players than the ones that are currently playing classic.


I didn’t realize we had so many people moonlighting for the Blizzard finance department here.

As a player it’s in your best interest if more people play the game, by the time TBC and Wrath would be done with you probably even wouldn’t be able to find players to do raids.

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Neutral main city.
Loot hallway-only dungeon paradigm.
Daily chores quests.
Tier sets only acquirable via badges.
The eventual removal of attunements. TBC started with attunements but removed all of them except Kara’s (which was severely nerfed instead of removed) by patch 2.4, and Sunwell was the first raid with no attunement and they never really made a comeback after that.


Why? As long as there are enough people to fill out at least one server, why should I care?

It sounds like you think a screen saver is a game. Just because pixels are in motion doesn’t mean you’re playing it.

Auto-running in a straight line, sitting on a bird as it slowly flaps, staring at your character while you wait for auto attack to complete, and waiting for mana bar to refill are not actually gameplay. They are what people with functioning brains call “downtime”.

So yes, I want to press some buttons and have those buttons cause actions to occur. You know, like a game.

Here’s your unplugged controller. You can sit and watch while the bigger kids play.

Why do you think there’d always be enough players to fill out one server if the games just left as is for 5+ years? Sure, some people will be playing but after a certain point it’ll be impossible to find groups for elite quests or do certain raids/dungeons (without just being carried) even if they left it with just one realm.

Vanilla isn’t some masterpiece of game design with 0 flaws that can never be improved upon.


I don’t play like that. Maybe you do. How you play something, how you view it, can totally change your experience. You have a very negative one, and you seem quick to defend retail and mock classic. You are the definition of a person not worth talking to, because your only interest in conversing is a shouting match. I won’t waste any more time on you. But I am annoyed by you.