#NOCHANGES 🐒 , Arguments flawed and debunked (SERIOUS)


Its simple. You’re scared of becoming bored with the game. You want to justify anything you possibly can to prevent this. You love World of Warcraft, and you don’t want to become bored of it. So you think that changing the game is the only way to prevent that. You’re wrong. You’ll eventually become bored of it, no matter what happens. Period. End of story.

That’s real life. That’s how these things work. Nothing, and I mean nothing, lasts forever.

Classic should stay just as it is, just as it was, just like every other video game. It should stay that way so that when we want to go back and play it, its there. Classic+ really is just like TBC or WotLK or any expansion that changes the game. It makes it ‘new’ for a while, but not for forever, and then the thing it was before is gone.

I get that you don’t want BFA/Retail, and saying “go back” to it doesn’t help you/people like you, but there is no middle ground and shouldn’t be. Not at the expense of Classic.

We’ve asked for Classic, we don’t want to lose it again, at any cost. Its not fair to take it away from us just because you’re afraid of having to find something else to play.

Look, buddy, when the day comes that you’re bored of the content, the day comes. Enjoy the ride until then, its not a bad thing. This is the natural way of things.

Arguments flawed and debunked. (SERIOUS)


I don’t know if anyone truly has a problem with Classic+ in the sense of maintaining Classic theme with additional content once it dries up, but the Classic+ idea is a long ways out. At least 1.5-2 years out.

It’s silly to be talking about this kind of stuff right now. Classic itself may be dead within a year and the whole thing goes out the window because no one is going to design content for a game that dies out.

private servers are also illegal and not widely advertised.

except blizzard literally called it a museum piece, and said they dont care if only “tens of people play it”.

but do they? the same group now playing classic is lamblasting these boards for pretty much every change you see in retail. why should i trust them anymore then i trust the same blizzard who gave use warlords or bfa?

that was what was asked for though. people petitioned for vanilla wow again. not some hodge podge retail classic hybrid.

different people like different crap some people do want changes. ive literally seen people playing classic ask for modern class design. sorry. zero trust for that.

except a lot clearly dont.
have you seen the stuff asked to be added to this game on the forums?


AKA, Corporate PR talk. It sounds like you missed the point of that argument.
The end goal was to make money and get people excited for the game again. There’s no way you deny that, and they even said they would consider Classic+ proving this statement false.

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they did. but the question is here.
whose idea of what a + is gets added.
look at these forums.
you got people asking for literally everything under the sun.
now think about what changes would make you happy.
those changes might be good for you, but someone else wants more.
and the changes you like, someone else hates. and the changes you hate, they like.
what changes gets in? which get left out.
i’d just rather not take the chance.


OSRS has a vote where 75% of people have to agree, or it isn’t added.

Also, read number 7.

Also, I appreciate you being civil and mature. I respect your opinion!


Everything is on the table because not even Blizzard knows what the next step is.

But, assuming Classic has staying power, I can pretty much bet you two things will happen.

  1. TBC will be the next step. If they can restore Vanilla they can restore TBC even more close to the original product and the same can be said of WoTLK. These are all popular expansions when the base was growing and one could argue the game went downhill after that because all the major lore characters got used up.

  2. Retail will start to make changes to try to feel more like Classic (probably, less sure about this)

  3. Classic+ Is technically a possibility but I think the bean counters would rather run with the idea of rereleasing content rather than spending time on new content.


so i should leave it up to a vote. with a linked sub with retail?
no thanks.

the goal of classic was never “OSRS Classic”.


See #3 and then #2. Already been discussed and debunked.

TY. I can’t see this being a problem as long as people who want to do it transfer to, or roll C+ servers. That, and if Blizz decides to do it. The only people who’d be upset would be upset for the wrong reasons.


no it hasn’t. despite your wishes otherwise.
show me one single time blizzard has stated they wanted to design classic like OSRS.
just one.
you can’t. because they never have. did they discuss listening to player feedback going forward? yeah. but thats TWO YEARS FROM NOW.
your not even giving us a chance to enjoy it before you try to change it.


Classic+ is too risky. They’re going to milk this through the popular expansions: TBC then Wrath. After that, maybe we’ll get a Classic+. But not before.

This is probably foolish in the long run. But we’re talking easy money for Blizzard for the next couple of years. Suits won’t pass that up to take a risk on Classic+


Someone at Blizzard, cough Alan Beck cough, is sitting behind his computer giggling at all these “Change Classic now!” threads

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See #3 and #2 for the previous post. As for the quoted text,

Talking about change doesn’t imply we want it now. We’re just entertaining the idea, and when we get to that point we will get there. But it’s incredibly exciting that we can have a redo on all of the lore, and create a new story with new content based off of what we see as a true MMORPG. This is an amazing opportunity.


I would love to see Classic+, though differently than you described.

I’m glad that all of you love Classic so much but I find it pretty much unplayable because I’m a Prot Paladin. But I would play the hell out of a Classic where they actually took the time to re-balance and fix the broken classes and removed some of the horrible, tedious, inconvenient nonsense that morons will incorrectly claim is Classic being “hard”.

Things that are not actually hard, just a waste of my life:

-Running back to my corpse from across the damn zone.

-Having to drink 5 gallons of water between every pull.

-Quest NPCs giving rewards that my class cannot even use.

-Having to join five different chat channels, spam my LFG message, and then taking 20 minutes to get to the dungeon the old fashioned way.

Lots of classes/specs just don’t work. Original WoW was not designed—it was cobbled together from ideas stolen directly from other games like D&D and Everquest without any thought about how they would fit into a game that was decidedly not D&D or Everquest and no care given to role responsibilities.

Give me Hybrid WoW with the following:
-Classes can play mostly the same, but do real balance. Give Paladins taunt.
-Reduce run back times.
-Make Flight Points faster and cheaper.
-Summoning stones and LFG system.

Doesn’t even necessarily need new content. Just make playing the old content actually fun.


I mean I kind of get it, but it’s still pretty high school levels of premature to be talking about it already and that’s what rustles people.

and im telling you its not cool to waltz in here and talk about changing it now

Yeah Loghain, pack up shop, you’re not allowed to have this opinion until the time is right


I will always say this about Blizzard doing what the players want. Classic+,TBC,LK,Cata, ect. When Blizzard listens and applies to the game what the players want you will end up with a second failed retail. Example, hunters in LK wanted to be able to shoot up close. The forums for hunters where yelling for it because in real life you can. At the same time hunters were yelling no more ammo bag it is just a game. How about letting Blizzard do what they want. Yes you can suggest things but don’t say this is what the community wants. Not every player looks and post on the forums. They just want to play and have fun. Some how Blizzard needs those players input also not just the forums.

I just remembered flying is also what the forum community players wanted.

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Yes people will tire of the same content after a while, but then some of those same people will want to relive that experience again at some point. Have you ever finished a game more than once before? I remember back when TBC was about to come out I was terribly bored and wanting some new content, but presently I’m enjoying playing classic, and I could see myself quitting and wanting to play it again years from now.