Nobody wants to run dungeons anymore

I have tried to get a group going for Uldaman for a week from levels 42-45. Nobody wanted to run it. Closest I came was forming a group that just needed one more DPS and a tank. Two hours later, no tank, no group.

Levels 45-47 I’ve tried getting a ZF group going for a week. Nobody wants me in their group (47 mage). I have both tried to find groups and form groups, to no avail. I’m on a big server, too; Whitemane.

What I have seen, however, is constant “WTB ULD run,” “WTB SM RUNS,” “WTB MARA RUNS” and “WTB ZF ZOMBIES RUNS.”


The perks of playing past the first month or so. Top heavy server that turns into raidlogging, with low level alts being boosted. Now you know why Blizzard decided dungeons needed to be touched upon in later expansions so that they would have some sort of relevance past the first few months.


I assure you they’re out there :slight_smile: Just gotta find the right time. Being proactive in reaching out to folks never really hurts either, can search /who 40-50 per zone(I’d recommend those level appropriate zones for what you’re looking for) and to shoot someone you find there that would fit what you need a whisper to see if they want to go.



I’d add it’s also why all the people who think the game is sustainable long term without cyclical (ie resetting) servers are out of their damn minds.

There’s only 2 options for this thing to keep going longer term:

  1. TBC-Classic

  2. Reset to a “FRESH” Vanilla realm


Odd realm you are on.
While i see the occasional person wanting to buy some runs for a specific drop, most on windseeker are just making normal groups
for those.

I’d probably be very unhappy if someone reset my toon that i have not remotely finished with yet.


I feel like that’s true of any wow game. People run early game stuff for alts and farming. Mid game a lot of people don’t do dungeons. Towards late game people start doing dungeons again so they won’t insta die when they start raiding due to gear 20 levels outdated.

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good luck convincing a lot people that put time and effort to level up their toon, only to be taken away, people in classic be furious


The trouble is that a lot of people don’t like uldaman and won’t run it. Same thing will happen when you get to ST.

part of the problem with Uldaman is it has a massive level range. outer area quests start in the late 30s and the end boss of the instance is 47, so you want to be 43-44 to be able to hit it. You can go in with green quests and be too low to get the end boss down.


You people are incapable of looking past your own short term self interests to see what’s better for the game as a whole longer term.

Keeping your character is MEANINGLESS, if the server you are on is a ghost town…

Pservers realized this lesson a long time ago and adapted.


Our subscriptions?
Guarantee you, you will lose more of those than you keep, you go reset servers and delete everyone’s stuff.

And they most likely wont roll over to retail, they will just be pissed, and leave.

They were kind of designed where you could progress through them.
Alternative to just world leveling.
Everyone mostly hates Gnomer too, probably for the same reasons.

I imagine that might be why most of the instances i see for retail seem so short and linear and dont span much range.
In out boom done.

I’m old school where dungeons increased in level the deeper you went, and it took you a good while to actually finish one.


Just because privates do it, doesn’t Blizzard should do it here, plus people that play classic are casual and not hardcore like pserver people that play theirs for free


I have this problem. Already missed Gnomeregan (uh thank god, to be honest), been trying SM/RFD/ZF for weeks. Nothing. Have no desire to buy a run through these dungeons .


Keeping a fraction of the playerbase each cycle is still significantly more people than you retain in a stagnant environment… Again, try seeing past your own short sighted self interests. There’s a reason people aren’t dungeon running anymore. The dungeons didn’t change, people stopped doing them because they stopped being useful towards progressing/improving your character. The same happens with raid tiers.

Content droughts and stagnation can and will kill the game faster than you realize.

Private servers did it because it was the only viable business model that didn’t result in stagnation and server death. It was a business decision on their part to keep the game healthy and active. Blizzard would be stupid to ignore that.

Now then, regarding the bit about casuals… Um, who exactly do you think benefits the MOST from resets? Oh right, the casuals… Leveling content, dungeon content? That’s all the casual players game/end game… The raiders/hardcore types are going to be decked out in bis whether the servers reset or not. The difference is, with resetting servers, casuals aren’t just food for more hardcore players at least SOME of the time…

I genuinely wonder how many of you actually remember what this game was like during late aq40-naxx era vanilla? Because the casuals weren’t doing those raids, whined constantly about how little they had to do, and their only alternative was trying pvp vs people in raid gear 4 tiers above them and getting globaled. Just how many times do you think these “casuals” are gonna keep logging in for content they aren’t doing? Or logging in to get repeatedly globaled by Naxx raiders?

If you’re looking for some casual player’s paradise, you picked the wrong damn game. Welcome to reality.


Oh so you want Diablo “seasons” gameplay?

And here I thought Pserver heroes hated that WoW copied Diablo 3 mechanics…


No, rational people “WANT” the game to actually be sustainable long term…

You and your kind can’t even get your tiny brains past “mine” long enough to understand that keeping your character does not matter if the game itself stagnates and dies.


Server resets are for those that want to chase the high from the drug, they’ll never get it again. Except those that can no life the game for hours on end. ANd tbh, seeing as how people started to do spell cleave dungeons when APE did MC and Ony in 3 days…that’s not the classic people want. Literally retail lite at that point.


Feel free to keep frothing.

Or go run Mythic something-or-other.

It’ll have as much impact on WoW Classic or on the people you’re screaming at, either way.


You get to pay for runs now. I’m a 60 tank, you’re either late to the party or leveling an alt, you still owe the economy regardless. Pay the 10g or get everybody to chip in for a boost, you’ll find that tank quicker.

Uldaman is a bad dungeon. SM, ZF, BRD are spammed 24/7

Server resets are a terrible idea. Most people don’t want their stuff deleted.

Now opening fresh new servers on a regular basis could be a great idea. Then start merging empty realms that are not part of the current “season”. No one loses their characters. No one ends up on totally dead servers.

And I don’t see why you couldn’t have some new servers with fun gimmicks, like having only one life (hardcore), or special world events, themes, and etc. Path of exile would be a good model for this. But it’s unnecessary.