Nobody wants to run dungeons anymore

Looks like the OP is in a guild. Why is your guild not helping you? Why is it always people in a guild saying they can’t get into a group? I mean why even be in a guild that doesn’t help you??
I have friends who are high 50s and 60 helping their guildmates with leveling dungeons. Some have even rolled alts to run with the lower level people.

We could just take all the people in that level range, from all realms, and somehow group them together so there’s a constant chance to do the dungeon, rather than hoping 5 people on your particular realm are online at the same time and are trying to do it. Like just imagine, when you see someone spamming ‘‘LFG SFK’’ in lfg channel for 25 minutes, how many other people on every other server are doing the same thing. What if by some magical ability, we could pool those people together to form one dungeon group? That would be amazing for all the medium/low/high population realms, which is 90 percent of them.

Fact is yeah, more people play classic than retail, but the race to 60 has slowed own, and a good majority of people are 60, and aren’t rolling alts enough to fill the groups like there was 2 weeks after server launch, plus some quit or went back to retail. That’s why people struggle to find groups or even have to resort to buying runs, which isn’t even good exp.

And for the no changes people, we could limit it to pre-60. Keep max level same realm only. This wouldn’t hurt the so called ‘‘community’’ they say would be destroyed by cross server dungeon finder. It’s basically the same logic as wanting same realm bg’s. There would be extremely long or non existent queues prior to 60. Same things going on with dungeons. If there wasn’t cross realm WSG it would take 4 hours to get anything to pop prior to 60. 4 hours in queue, for one battleground. That’s basically a dead game. Instead of having one big dead game like retail, you guys have done the same thing on a micro level by having 50 dead realms, in terms of playability prior to 60.


So basically you had nobody.

agree, I want to tank, make character whos class that can tank and build their talents and but tanking and maybe healing abilities (for none warriors), and practice some tanking low level dungeons to later high level dungeons

I think a big reason surely is, that the community seems very toxic and that many players have LFG turned off by now. In dungeons, a lot of DPS have no manners, roll for gear not suited for them, pull mobs or are in general very bad players if it comes to avoiding damage.

But also the LFG chat, is not a fun place to be in.
In the first few weeks, I was actually in that channel, but after some time, people did spam it with politics, layering ID´s or boosting requests. Reporting them did not work, so I left chat and no longer have to endure this.

Questing is fun too and if someone whispers me I can see based on his wording, if he is a nice fellow or not.


The point is, those are the only 2 options for classic long term.
[1] Adding TBC to existing servers
[2] Wiping the servers on a pre-determined cycle, repeatedly.

Classic, by itself, isnt sustainable and will eventually implode without one of those 2.

Look, you delete characters and huge swaths of people will not return. A lot of private servers reset because they had to (RL drama, legal, ect) not because it was good for the game. It became a meme because how often these servers would just shut down.

Delete peoples characters and maybe private server people will remain, but the playerbase will shrink so fast it would kill the game.


Groups giving runs to alts benefit from having a full group of dungeon appropriate leveled alts. So if you’re having a hard time forming a traditional group, do a /who 60 for that dungeon zone and whisper the 60s to see if they have any room in their group. You’ll find a lot of people that are willing to help you out this way.

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Uldaman is a very lopsided dungeon that most people don’t want to bother with while leveling up. I suggest advertising for a QUEST RUN which involves completing the 5 or 6 quests outside the dungeon and not even bothering with the actual instance. You can easily get over half a level of xp doing these quests, and can 2 man them with a tank or a healer.

So, pay a tank.

Gotta love this attitude from folks who are totally fine with IP theft.


There is no practical difference to me as the end result is the same. Delete my character, and I quit. Servers die, I quit. Install TBC on top of my character, I quit. End result, I don’t play the game either way.


Everquest does this and people aren’t pissed…
Well they do a form of this… the server stays there even though its dead… but they open other types of servers…
Seasonal servers, speed servers, slow servers, expac locked servers… on and on…

All WoW needs to do since they have already copied the concept of Everquests Time Locked Progression servers is do what they did…

Leave these servers locked in Vanilla.
Open TBC locked Servers.
Open WOTLK locked servers after BC have run their course.
Open servers that release a new expac every 30 days…
Open servers with all expacs open but with no heirlooms with a 4 month closing date… so the real ZOOOERS can go crazy!!!
Open slow experience servers.
Open triple experience servers.
on and on and on…

The ideas and the appeal to every type and kind of player are endless going forward… just use the EQ template and they can print money for the next 10 years…

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says the retail avatar

[3] Leave it as it is.

How to fix this issue.

Play a hunter. Get one dedicated healer friend. Use a tank pet.


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A refreshing server would have to be advertised as such and cannot use one of the current servers.

If they make one and people understand what they are getting into, then by all means, go for it. No skin off my nose.

Just don’t do it to Westfall post-facto.


I’ve had this happen, wanted to do Ulda quests, ended up out leveling the majority of them because nobody wants to run Ulda. It’s either ZF or BRD runs. I’m from a big server to, just no reason for people to run these old dungeons.


I still have yet to run a dungeon since starting Classic at launch, & will probably wait until 50+ to start. Leveling dungeons aren’t worth the time or PUG headache for the loot they offer IMO, & it is loot which you will outgrow in 4-5 levels anyway.

Most rational people understand we are playing a rerelease of a 15 year old game based on progression. I understand your point, but you have to understand if they destroyed my progress, I wont start over.

I will simple go pick up where I left off in retail. Which is the wonderful thing about this game, leave and come back 6 months later right were you left it. If you wanna see classic die, reset the servers. We are all a bunch of selfish humans, welcome to the race.

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