Nobody wants flying

Ok then. Nice talking to you.

Nice talking to you too :slight_smile:

Your mount to stealth analogy makes zero sense unless you are saying eventually every class will be able to stealth.

As to your second argument, again everything in the game is content of that game. Everything. It may be busy work in your opinion, but that “busy work” is content. You may not like that content, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t content.

And btw, I’m not against having flight earlier. I think 6 months is the max amount of time before we should be able to fly.

I’m not arguing against flight. I’m stating two facts:

  1. everything in the game is content
  2. flying allows you to skip some content

Those are indisputable facts. The fact you can skip content with stealth doesn’t mean that flight doesn’t allow you to skip content.

You can argue that we should be able to have flight sooner or that why you don’t like PF or whatever you want, but those are your opinions. I’m just stating facts.

I mean, if I said clouds are in the sky, would you then counter that argument with “birds are in the sky, so what’s your point?”

you are painfully wrong. exactly 3 people do not want flying

everything in the game is content
flying allows you to skip some content

You cannot fly without first having done the content. You are not skipping content because you’ve already done it.


I wasn’t going to respond, but this whole supposed “controversy” about flight or no flight shouldn’t even be an issue and it still ticks me off, so here goes.

If flying ruins your precious immersion so much, then the solution is simple: DON’T FLY. Don’t even grind out Pathfinder if it bothers you so much. I personally hate it with a sick passion. This is a video game, not a second job.

Pathfinder is a big fat hissy fit from the devs, and whoever had the bright idea to remove flight should’ve been fired on the spot.


… Said no one else

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Not that I agree with what they are saying but having done something once doesn’t mean it can no longer be considered skipping. It’s just irrelevant that you skip it after having done it.

People like different things, but some people might like things that demand other people to like it too. That is not actually a rare thing to happen.
One example is World PvP.
Flying World PvP would be a can of worms no one wants opened.
But in order to have World PvP without Flying World PvP, you have to ground people for one reason or another.

There was a time in which there were no Flying, and there were compulsory World PvP. What people did was go from taxi to taxi and avoid areas that demanded World PvP. As people in PvP servers would pack up and barely no one would walk alone, it became famous the idea that World PvP was always “many vs few”. Such is the problem with “I want” opposing what “other want”.

Playing another styles of games, you see that many things are different, and they will never be that way in wow anymore. Once you added flight, there are many "I want"s that are predicated in flying. It is hard to take something away, specially if people cant perceive what it entails more directly.

There is reason to advocate the end of flight. No one can say there isnt.

What you can say there isnt is the willingness from people to give up “I wants” for "other want"s that they dont like.

But even these people who would hold flight dearly, ask for things that predicate no flight, like “forced community building”, and “forced accountability for behavior”.

Someone wasn’t here on the forums during WoD.


STOP pretending that you dont get it…you DO and we BOTH know it.
STEALTH is FAR better at ‘skipping content’…END of debate.
Flight ISNT usable INDOORS…stealth IS.
Its a joke to claim that ‘all’ classes have to have something for that something to be MORE effective than something else. LMAO

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I assume you’re replying to me.

That’s a ridiculous argument you are making. Just because you’ve done something in game doesn’t mean that thing is no longer content.

And I’m not one of those three people you mentioned so if you’re counting me, I guess there’s only 2 people who don’t want flight.

Flying ruins immersion. It’s only immersive of the everyone is like that, not if you just get on your ground mount just for funsies


Funny since without flying I just don’t feel like doing any “Content” I already did, meanwhile I’m still active in zones where I got flying unlock weird how that works huh?


You sir are stirring the pot and should be ashamed of yourself for doing so.

Reported for trolling and trying to enrage the forum base.

This fight was finished in Warlords of Draenor to the tune of a 5.6 Million Loss of customers. Not all left because of flight but I can tell you a lot more left because of the atmosphere the “Fight for Flight” generated.

No we didn’t get them back trust me if Blizzard had got them back we would have been told about it.

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Don’t speak for me.


You’re new around here, aren’t you?


Sometimes, when I want some immersion, I just land and walk. Because I have the option to.

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I disagree. Flying doesn’t really cut out content, it just makes daily chores harder. Content is simply non-existent. Whether we have flying or not doesn’t change the fact that there are only so many end game questlines. I mean think about it, the only first time content that was used with flying in BFA was the 8.3 questline. Everything else is just chores and removing flying would just be a hindrance, no one would say there is a lack of content, however.

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This illustrates the problem nicely.

It is not that flying makes us not want to experience the world. It is that the world has nothing for us to experience.