Nobody wants flying

Exactly. No long, legendary questline that takes us across multiple patches and through many hardships. 8.3 questline takes max 2 hours. Blizzard has really gone down hill with their solo pve content, now everything is just pug and instance based.

Made worse by the much hyped EMPIRE OF COSMIC HORRORS being reduced to a relatively light raid saddled by some side content in zones we’ve already been to.

Ny’lotha could have been another Burning Front or Timeless Isle. Instead, its a raid that sloopes itself into oblivion Return of the King style and will never be mentioned again.

I feel ya on this. I remember thinking that the next expansion would be all about the black empire or at the very least we’d have a Nyalotha zone to do a couple questlines in and explore, but nooooo, more instanced content and daily chores.

Wasn’t WoD launched in 2014? And, isn’t that before 2018?
So, whichever patch in WoD that spawned the Pathfinder series all the way up till current day is your example.

BfA, should they have wished to keep the story as it was, should have “ended” in Naz, with N’Zoth’s release, and the next Xpac should have been us battling through Ny’alotha.

Don’t get me wrong, I think Shadowlands has potential, because Torgaust and the Covenants have a lot of possibility for single-player content. But it just makes everything we spent time doing in 8.3 feel like a massive waste.

I dont think i’d play the game without flying. I prefer retail for an easy life.

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So everybody here wants to tell me that they prefer flying in the air several yards above the ground, starring at their screen for 3-4 minutes to get to their destination slightly faster, rather than actually being immersed into the game and taking a ground mount to your destination. Lol, you guys are boring.

This bait is low effort and stale.

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I thought this comment was saying prior to pathfinding but regardless I didn’t need to quest in every zone.

Imagine tagging rares without flying.

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Speak for yourself. I enjoy the game from the air. I have been playing since cata, and I enjoy it. If it wasn’t a part of the game, I would not be playing it.
TBH, I think the post is a troll.


Ive spent an entire play session just running on foot with shaman or druid…not even using a ground mount. Just…because…I…can.

So everyone here is telling you that BY THE TIME THEY CAN FLY THEYVE ALREADY DONE THE CONTENT.
ez enough?


I think their point was that up to Mists we just needed max level and gold…ie didnt have to do everything or go everwhere to get flight.
I could be wrong though.

Except, if everyone at the table loves garlic and doesn’t want wasabi, then that table is going to be a table with not enough garlic and too much wasabi. Similarly, if nobody wants island expeditions but everyone loves mythic dungeons, a game with 3 island expeditions and 3 dungeons is going to have too many island expeditions and not enough dungeons.

A game with 10 things, only 5 of which you enjoy, is effectively the same as a game with 5 things. Unless you’re just a masochist who does things you hate just because they’re there.

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There is a tree in front of you, you have to dodge it, that is content. by very definition, it requires input from you, so it is gameplay. interesting or not is another matter, but you can’t deny, there is a difference between having to navigate around the environment vs flying in a straight line (unless there’s a mountain, but there’s less mountains than there are trees and houses.)

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Oh god, that’s depressing.


I want flying.


I can’t get immersed in a game with writing this bad. I would say flying at least keeps me away from it but then you have those popups.

Sings I believe I can fly.