Nobody wants flying

I will not play if flying is not a thing. Too many people feel the same way. It should always be a thing, pathfinder is horrible, like WotLK hit the number, pay xx and be done. Would be perfect


Touche’ :person_fencing:

We can call it Walkfinder.

Everyone will have to start off RP walking OP will have to stand in place for the first 6 months though as we all go by him .


I use flying to make emissary quests go faster which I use to pay for wow tokens

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85 posts, and I have yet to see Nobody post a reply. I’m sure he wants flying too.


no, its Shadowlands. let us instant teleport to any point we click on our maps. no cooldowns. no limits. no exceptions.

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You also have a toon that can zip-run and jump-fly away from anything you don’t want to deal with.
So, no. Flying stays, since we are not all playable fan service.


No one has said that.

But everything you experience between point a and point b is content. If you can fly, you can skip everything but the view - which is also skipped because it’s now different than the ground view.

I want flying able to be achieved as of launch. (still want it to be pathfinder but only need the part one version)

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Go away bozo.

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its called ‘classic’.
Just do it.

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absolute nonsense.
Im running a new druid right now friend…I can assure you that my STEALTH is allowing me to ‘skip’ a TON more than flight ever will…since I can stealth INDOORS too.

I just ‘skipped’ dozens of crap trash Id have had to fight getting to the quest objective if Id not have been on druid (or rogue).
So tell me again how flight is doing anything to ‘skip’ content that stealth isnt?

and apparently some of us dont consider brainless fighting between points A and B to be ‘content’.
Its not.
its lazy busy work that doesnt even pay off anymore like it did from classic thru Mists where at least that trash had a good chance of dropping something cool

Ever played with the ES editors?
it takes about a second to drop a node to spawn something like a beast you have to fight.
That aint ‘content’ for what is supposed to be a ROLE PLAYING game.
If this were specifically a first person shooter, then sure…


Wouldn’t say it makes it look “Great”, just story and plot competent :wink:.


This topic just keeps on… flying… along!

This topic sure has… wings!

I want to flag this topic again.
Please, Blizzard?


I’m sorry flight masters about your job, but you heard the man, no flying.
Oy! You birds and dragons! No flying. You must walk now.
Also any means of gliding or slow falling is now banned.
Also we will have to ground Dalaran, can’t have a flying city.


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Ehhh example? I didn’t need to do every zone in any xpac to get flying prior to WoD.