It’s because keeping players stuck on the ground for half the expansion means they can’t create zones like that because they wouldn’t be usable until much later, and then only by people who had earned flight.
I can agree with that, Mechagon and Nazjatar do suck.
Except us druids.
Who had to do a quest for it at one point.
Never forgetti.
BFA has plenty of content, but said content becomes defunct once it’s been completed a bazillion times.
And just like that, OP gets the ultimate diss from Grumbles: no cookies!
Well played, Loa of Cookies, well played, indeed.
guess you could say /puts on dark sunglasses that’s the way the cookie doesn’t Grumble
And your ground mount, and flight paths.
Flying needs to be replaced with fast travel. Click a spot on the map and you load into it.
It’s not that the game is more engaging on the ground. The game happens on the ground. Flying gets us to the part of the game we want to play most efficiently, wasting as little as possible on the parts we have no interest in.
Pathfinder insists we play everything, every little bit, over and over, before we can focus on only what we want. That’s also why we burn out and stop playing once we have it, because it doesn’t give us anything new to do and it’s a goal achieved—even if the slog to the goal wasn’t fun. Which also means that now our strongest and most recent memories of the game aren’t of fun…
And nobody wants a Lamborghini Gallardo.
No, the complaints will be “theirs no flying”.
Anywho, i’m gonna eat all the cookies i stole from Grumble’s cookie shop, hence why theirs none in this thread.
I could write an entire article on how wrong you are. But I’m sure others will do it for me.
I know bait when I see it.
There is plenty of content. Main complaints I’ve seen is the gear treadmill/ corruption effects and class design.
So, here’s how content works in World of Warcraft (at least my view on it ): I’m a collector, anything uncollected = content. Molten core = Content, Desolace = content, any undone quest, uncollected xmog, pet, toy, mount, anything to be collected at all is content TO ME.
Now you have raid hero Zorro, none of what I just mentioned is content to Zorro, all he wants are raids. If Blizz adds 5 12 boss raids on xpac launch you won’t hear a peep from Zorro lol but to me that’s not content until I can solo it .
BG hero xxPw3nHordexx, endless content as along as he has his BG’s.
Everyones “content” is different so when someone says “there’s no content” you have to ask them what content they want to determine where they fall. If their content is say lore (quests) and Blizz adds a raid patch with no new quest lines then there’s no content to them.
Yeah, but since before 2018 most new content had to be ran thru before being able to fly over it, due to Pathfinder, soooo…
As a new player who has only just started this game, I am already hitting burnout from mindless braindead world quests that have nearly no storyline or anything to keep me interested.
I might hit burnout before I even unlock Vulpera at this rate. Honestly.
Flight? The requirements for that? OUTRAGEOUS. I will NOT be trying to unlock flight for BFA content. It’s INSANE.
Never become a collector lol
You must have skipped WoD. It had no flying and no content and people were far more vocal about the lack of flying.
Step 1: Make a pretend, but false and blatantly dishonest premise.
Step 2: Make an illogical connection between premise and some issue you personally have.
Step 3: Make yourself look like a lame.
Good job.
No, no, no…
100% move speed debuff. You can’t move at all. However, you can play candycrush mini game for fuel currency, and after 1 hour of farming candycrush you can move for 5 minutes. At 50% reduced speed. Oh, but of course: you can buy fuel off the cash shop instead.