Nobody wants flying

Still a few hours until Sunday for some areas, OP.


Another one of these posts? Why is it, a RELEVANT post can be necroed for informational purposes, and the mods shut it down like it’s a nuclear bomb ready to explode, but they allow 1,000,000 of the pointless, redundant posts? There is NO point to these posts other than to stir controversy and garner attention for the OP.


I want flying, I have flying and I enjoy flying. If you do not like it then do not use it. If flying is not added then I won’t be playing.


Nobody wants flying

Counterpoint: I want flying.


and your glide as well?


OP must be one of Watchers alts only reason I can think of why this type of threads keep getting ignored

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You are absolutely correct; The complaint would be that we don’t have flying :wink:

Also, you are incorrect about “missing content.” By the time I got flying, I’d ran through all the “content” a billion times. So the only thing I was missing were the mobs “spam attacking” me, every 3 inches; I don’t really call that “content.”

I knew every nook, cranny, cave, hole, whatever of Nazjitar before I finally got revered and could get flying. I’d even battled all of the pets there, for that 3000 rep. Know why I knew that zone so well? It was due to FLYING, because in order to get flying you had to be revered. Without flying, I would have barely touched Nazjitar.


Speak for yourself, I love flying.


Don’t give them such bad ideas!


evidently they lost all of their creative talent.


they pretty much have that with the giant worms debuff it has a 30% speed reduction yet it only works if your flying you switch ot a ground mount it doesn’t slow them in the least but yet Blizzard insists its not showing bias against flight well then either have the worms effect ground mounts or add a pathfinder to them same as for earning flight

I mean theyre not trying to play favorites right?

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You do realize the flying path finder typically involves doing raid and open world content for the expansion it’s unlocked in don’t you? That means they’re not “flying” over any content they probably haven’t already done before AT LEAST once to get path finder for flight. The reason content is “complained” about despite being plentiful is cause BFA is quantity over quality, It’s no WoD but it’s terrible for opposite reasons.


The ones that don’t want flying are playing Classic.


1 it’s not Sunday for like 12 hours
2 the people who are flying obviously enjoy it
3 your argument makes zero sense


“NOBODY wants flying”

  • Said no one ever.
  1. Already did the content
  2. Flying over content that doesn’t need to be done isn’t content.
  3. 0/10

I don’t have flying and the content in this xpac still sucks along with being worst xpac ever. This makes WOD look great…

I don’t want flying nor did I even get it. I quit tryn for it after 8.3 came out and the new zones sucked bad.

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Want to know why people say there is no content, because to get flying we had to do it all. If Blizz didn’t make you do everything before you could fly, you would have content left to do later. Prime example is Wrath, I got flying, one day, I was out mining on my mining character, hit up Icecrown. What do I find, the Arthas heart quest, look at that, I was flying and found content to do. Now, there is no chance of that.


Never thought of it like that. I agree totally.