Nobody wants flying

Pathfinder really should be available at the first patch, or even just remove the requirement all together.

The issue is that Blizzard doesn’t want to design around flying - Wrath had the right idea where you have to have leveled through the other content first, but once you got to 78 Stormpeaks and Icecrown needed it, because their terrain made running around on the ground unviable. I want more interesting vertical zones please


Yeah, because the only people who will still be playing are the 12 people who dislike flying.


Sadly they’ve already confirmed Pathfinder for SL. Which means they’ll most likely be time-gating Part 2 as long as possible again.



no. no. you’re wrong. no.

You mean, nobody wants to waste their valuable free time running from point A to B like a rat in a cage. You and I are playing VERY different games.


It must be Sunday somewhere.


That is true. You wouldn’t hear complaints from me because I’d unsubscribe from the game and stop playing.


Nice bait.


That would be really fun!


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I’d be fine if they got rid of flying, as I find the current requirement for it utterly ridiculous. And if you’ve done pathfinder yet somehow aren’t burnt out from doing every. little. thing, well good on ya I guess. I’ve unsubbed for a few months after grinding just one rep (argussian), grinding all of them is definitely Do Not Want. I actually didn’t mind grinding rustbolt, but that’s probably because I just really enjoy that zone as well as the payoff, that is to say this character.

The funny thing is I know the game is more engaging on the ground. We all do. I used to be all about flying but it looks more and more like a form of cheating, frankly. I won’t do a bunch of rep and quests I could literally care less about just to cheese the open world. The entire process feels . . . dirty. Lucky for me if I’m not farming fathom rays other people flying doesn’t really bother me.

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One of the major complaints is a lack of content? I thought BFA, despite its failures in other areas, has done a good job with the amount of content.


You know a thread is terribad when Grumbles doesn’t offer cookies.

Dear OP: you don’t speak for me or anyone else. Stop trying to. Many of us want flying sooner than when they let us. And some of us want to see them embrace flying again.

Fun fact, OP: they could effectively double the content if they had content both on the ground and for flying. Shocking how that works, hmm?


That’s some low hanging fruit you’re aiming for. You make me feel ashamed to be playing the same faction as you.


Amazingly bad.


WoD bringing up any memories of flight being removed? :thinking: :roll_eyes:

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Facts for a better life.

OP: Speak for yourself, and yourself only.


All blizzard has to do is make all that world trash WORTH MY TIME fighting and then I’ll fight it and like it. Just like I do in classic thru Mists where world trash drops cool mog and recipes for me even after two years of playing it. WoD, Legion and BFA are so horrible with that I dont WANT to waste my time fighting for 20 minutes from A to B.
Why waste my game time for pocket lint? I wouldnt.
Instead of making content that makes me WANT to play, they try to coerce me with pathfinder to get a stinking mode of travel.


Remove flying

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Pathfinder’s fine, though.