Nobody is crying about PvP

I would like to counter this with a statement: I play on Arcanite Reaper and it is much more balanced. The amount of large scale horde raids are much less frequent, and we do in fact have actual meaningful pvp for the most part.

Faction balance does seem to be an issue. My mage on Fairbanks can’t even level.

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So you are big into “Blame the victim”. Try that in the real world right now. No really, try it, please.

They are not victims. They just need to cry about something.

Why are “victims” playing on PvP servers?

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wow this girl is full of herself! it would 100% be better if it wasnt so lopsided

This is the issue danced around. Ganking happens but it all comes down to risk of retaliation and retaliation that is a true threat to the attackers. People play both factions so it is not a faction issue (except maybe racials) it is a numbers issue.

Not on this scale buddy. Get some perspective.

Stay at home mom invents a solution to opposite faction dominance on a PvP server using this one weird trick!

Then where is the flood of “wPvP is unplayable” due to lag" threads?

The horde being the preferred PvP faction isn’t the complaint though. If it was I’d probably have to respond with, welcome to vanilla.

The escalation isn’t happening. Or we would be flooded with lag threads. Instead, we are flooded with imbalance threads.

Those people are wishing they were the larger faction. They don’t want balance.

Normal realm should have been their choice

Balance might be the issue but the crying is over pvp…unfair pvp, but pvp. If balance was the only issue, people would be crying on a pve server. People are upset that pvp is taking place on a pvp server. This is exactly why I am not now, and never was on a pvp server. When I started back in vanilla, and never played a mmo before, I understood what could and did happen on pvp servers. It isn’t a difficult concept. The problem is aggravated by a ridiculous balance issue, but that isn’t why people are crying. Those same people wouldn’t be complaining if they were in the main faction farming non stop honor.

i rerolled mankirk just to not spend 90% of my time corpse walking or running from kill squads. just wish i hadnt gotten to 55 before this happened. Friends palyed herod so i joined them. i have never played WoW before and was really having fun too! so to see so many elitest players and just genuinely terrible people in this community really sucks.

thing is its not just the faction imbalance . its the max total population that is the bigger problem.

zones werent meant to have this many players.

before if there was a group camping 1 area there would not be groups camping other areas and you could just avoid the area being camped.

now its every. single. high. level. area.

if its a zone that has lvl 48+ people that would regularly quest in it , its camped.

the world has all the places you can quest or farm or do much of anything other than sit in a dungeon camped.

it sucks.

Look, I don’t see what the problems is. I was playing back in 2004, and back then it was like 5 to 1 in Alliance’s favor. The Horde managed. Sometimesl it’s good to be the underdog. Didn’t take us log to realize that most Alliance were bad. And believe it or not, we even held our own during the TM/SS wars.

Now it’s the other way around? So… deal with it. Form your own goon squads, everyone should be maintaining a KOS list, etc, etc.

Turn the imbalance to your advantage.

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I just wish that people hadn’t propagated this notion for over a decade that Horde = PvP in Classic. We might have had more balanced servers if the entire Internet didn’t believe that Allies were PvE noobs. Ultimately, it matters very little unless you’re a min-maxer.

haha. thats a good one.

the way it is now the population being so overfilled that those spots are all filled with horde. you cant quest and have to do dungeons . the sad truth is sunken temple never has groups and brd you cant get into till 52 if you can talk a group into it and you have to die like 20+ times to get into the place and groups fall apart waiting on people to get TO THE ACTUAL DUNGEON.

there is no fighting back against 60s on your pitiful lvl 51 druid.

talk more crap though. you totally have the truth on your side.

I’ll cry about PvP. There are entirely too many sheeps, charms, fears, stuns and etc. It’s getting to the point it’s just no fun anymore on Battlegrounds. And, before you flame me, go and try to heal a BG and find out what being “trained” really is.

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This is absolutely false. What is going on now is nothing like normal world pvp that happens in BRM or in towns.

  1. Server capacities are more than five times what they were in vanilla.

  2. Faction balance is much much worse than the pre-BG months of vanilla.

Ok that I agree with completely. This game does have too much cc. Way to much.

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seems like you’re crying.