Nobody is crying about PvP

I see plenty of people crying about PvP. Because faction balance was never perfect. People need to get over it.

Very wrong. Twinks can farm honor just fine. Doesn’t matter what level as long as they’re killing within their range, they’ll get honor. Will it compare to 60? No. But they can still farm honor and achieve respectable ranks for their level.

Each person that is crying is looking for something to blame.

Next time you are getting ganked, /who all the capital cities. That’s not faction imbalance at work. That’s people not interested in wPvP.

I was moreso referring to me killing a level 29. Hence, “Can’t farm honor on a level 29”
In nowhere in current conversation did we refer to twinks, did we? Lol.

Of course having a numerical advantage makes it easier.

But when were you promised it would be balanced? Two factions, someone is always going to lose. Someone is always going to have the burden of an uphill fight. That’s the nature of World PvP. Like I said, PvP servers are a failed design.

I’m going to ask you a simple question. Please do not waffle, deflect, or all the other things you’ve done so far.

Is it, on average, an advantage to have faction numerical superiority on a server, in terms of World PvP outcomes?

The answer should not involve my choices, your toughness, or anything else. Just answer the question. Bear in mind that I’m speaking about averages.

Of course having a numerical advantage makes it easier.

There you go. I agree. That’s all I’m saying.

But when were you promised it would be balanced?

I never said it was. While I think it would be better to have balanced factions, I am not demanding changes, and I am not complaining.

I am simply stating that world PvP is more consistently winnable for Horde on most servers. That’s it. Yes, too many Alliance whine. But too many Horde seem to deny the obvious advantage that comes with having more people.

The faction might have a numerical advantage but they are not using it.

A 40 man raid blockading BRD is only .5% of a 8,000 faction population.

If the lower population faction pulled 40 together it wouldn’t be a stretch of the numbers. 40 players of a 2,000 population is .2%

Not even remotely a faction issue.

People are hiding from wPvP because they rolled a PvP when they didn’t want all of the aspects of wPvP. 40 vs 40 should be common place right now.


“get gud lul” - zergling number 503010B1

it is difficult for people to understand because they love the “power” they get. even if it is superficial.

We have had a few really good fights but they only last as long as it takes for dominate faction to travel to the fight. The moment the fight kicks off in any where near fair numbers LFG starts spamming the location of the alliance raid thats actually fighting and then server lags to hell as the flood of thirsty bored horde come rolling in hoping to get a fraction of an hk.

If the lower population faction pulled 40 together it wouldn’t be a stretch of the numbers. 40 players of a 2,000 population is 2%

Again, everything you say can be matched by the faction with the higher population, especially when that faction is filled by people who are more into PvP, as Horde is.

If the lower pop faction put 40 together, it would take BRM. Until the higher pop faction shows up with 60 people, which they can because they have more people.

Every argument you make about the Alliance banding together can be countered by the Horde doing the same, and they have more people.

This is the point. Escalating PvP is fun. It’s spontaneous and competitive, and people get attached to the outcome. But ultimately, Horde is more PvP focused, probably better at it, and most of all, they have more people on most servers. So, escalations will generally be won by them.

I am not blaming Horde for this. It’s just an inevitable outcome of the numbers.

If I was a player who was roleplaying as a drop of alcohol and millions of players were roleplaying as germs, even though I was highly outnumbered, I should be expected to win.

Now that this odd question is answered, can you tell me exactly how this is relevant to literally anything? Are you saying you joined a PvP server for the numerical superiority? – or did that thought not at all cross your mind? Maybe you thought that realm populations were static?

If you’re actually organized you can take advantage of that behavior. Ambush as they trickle in, mass hearth and attack somewhere else.

You don’t go head to head against a superior force.

As expected, you won’t answer a simple question.

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no bud, no tactic will work once the zerg starts because the servers cannot handle it and it becomes a slide show. You are underestimating just how many horde there are. My server is not even one of the worst off, and its literally insane how many roaming horde raids there are. So go ahead and organize all you want, but you wont even see them coming. One minute it will look like you are fighting almost equal, the next minute you are dead and can see just what you were dealing with. And thats not even all yet, its still rolling in long after you are dead because of all the people that left their camp spots to rush to the one fight that happened all day.

You won’t answer mine, so we’re even.

You can’t expect to implement absurd contests of chivalry in a discussion where you’re obviously ignoring the fact that your pains are self-inflicted.

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I don’t think faction balance would help much. I think local imbalances would still occur.

WoW’s strength was always that bullying (or whatever you want to call it), or one-sided WPvP was never particularly profitable and often was very unprofitable. There were many other games that did try to be very hardcore PvP and they all failed miserably.

It is very unfortunate that this implementation schedule has created a unique situation that allows weak-minded and perverse people to profit from their antisocial behavior, but there really is no solution that is remotely practical, or that couldn’t be abused. The best we can do is grin and bear it, because we know that the lowest dregs of humanity will always do the worst that they are allowed to get away with.

Just be thankful that these people are ganking in game, rather than out in the world doing some other evil, because they can get away with it.

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Well duh.

Sounds like alliance is failing to adapt to the situation. If you’re out numbered you need to use guerilla tactics. Smaller teams hitting multiple places, ambush the early arrivals then hearth out and form up to attack somewhere else.

Do that for a while and horde are going to get one of two experiences. Get there early and get whacked or show up late to nothing going on. If that’s a consistent experience less people are going to be answering the alarms.

If using the tactic of waiting for overwhelming force to arrive isn’t working try something else. In fact it’s counter productive and encourages them show up for free honor.

No, those people are the ones crying about it.