Nobody is crying about PvP

I don’t see people crying about PvP… but more so the faction balance that leads to PvP encounters being so badly one sided. Faction balance being the variable worth discussing.

Not sure what is so difficult for people to understand.


Because the things people complain about would happen regardless of faction balance, e.g. being killed at flight paths or on the way to BRM, not being able to level alts, etc.


So your belief is that if the person on the minority faction was instead placed into an alternate server where the factions were balanced that they would be killed at flight paths just as often, killed just as often on the way to BRD, and just as unable to level alts?


Incoming …

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Read what I said very carefully.

I read your post perfectly fine. My point is that if your answer is no to those questions (which I assumed it was), than what you stated is absolutely meaningless and contributes nothing to the topic. Balance has an influence on those interactions. They wouldn’t be so lopsided and unpleasant if there was more balance.


Then you know my answer to your silly, rhetorical question that misrepresented what I said.


Again, contributing nothing. If you can’t understand how balance changes those interactions to make them more entertaining, engaging, and fun than I don’t think there is anything else I can state.


Whatever makes you feel better, pup.

I did contribute to the topic. Your response, by contrast, boils down to “Do you really think that? Really?”

Okay, I’ll answer your question. Yes. Now what?


That is easy to answer. If your answer is “yes” to those questions, my response is, you’re wrong.

I can say that because all those interactions existed prior to the introduction of honor. Prior to the introduction of honor people were killed at flight paths, people were killed on the way to BRD, people were ganked while leveling. But it wasn’t a problem then. The issue now is the frequency and the intensity of it happening. With faction balance you change the frequency and intensity of it happening. Not only that, but you change the dynamic of those interactions. Instead of feeling these events are completely out of your control, you have the ability to influence them. It is a different dynamic. It is why multiplayers games have a tendency to have balanced teams. It is why Overwatch is 6 vs 6 and not 6 vs 5 or 6 vs 4 or 6 vs 3 or 6 vs 2 or 6 vs 1.

Please, in the future stop this attitude where you believe you’re too good to provide a response to your point. It is smug. Along with calling someone “pup”. If you can’t argue your own point or logic, why bother posting it?


Okay? I’m not sure how that is relevant.

The issue being discussed is faction balance, not the existence of the ranking system.

I agree, it wasn’t a problem, but according to many, it was and still is.

There were dozens of threads complaining about the things I listed well before the honor system existed.

There were and still are Horde complaining about the same problems as Alliance despite being on a massively overpopulated realm in favor of Horde.

There are also people complaining about the things I listed on almost perfectly balanced realms. For example, Faerlina. That realm is ~45:55 Alliance to Horde, yet the EXACT SAME COMPLAINTS are made by folks from that realm.

The issue is that some people simply do not like world PvP and they should be on a PvE realm. Balancing the realm will not stop them from being camped at the flight path; it will not stop them from dying on the way to their instances, and it will not stop them from struggling to level alts because of 60s running around killing them constantly.

Will it happen less frequently? Perhaps, but it will still happen, WHICH IS WHAT I SAID IN MY ORIGINAL REPLY:

I never said they would happen at the same frequency. If the complaint is “I absolutely hate this 1v10 crap everywhere,” perhaps faction balance would help (although not necessarily. You can balance the realm population, but that doesn’t mean you’ll always have a fair fight out in the world), but if your complaint is “I died after landing at a flight path” or “I got corpse camped on my way to an instance,” balancing the realm won’t fix that.

At best, it will swap which faction is being camped more often. Even on my realm, one of the worst imbalanced realms in North America in favor of Horde, we Alliance still corpse camp plenty of Horde in just the same way they do to us.

If you want balanced PvP battles, wait for and enjoy battlegrounds. World PvP is not for your perfectly matched battles.

I most certainly can and will argue my own point and/or logic; I just don’t bother wasting my time doing so to people who make responses completely lacking any substance like “Really?”


So, Blizz, balance pls. Ty


Please post a link to the server stats that show population.

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It’s not difficult for people to understand.

Some are being willfully ignorant of the actual issue, and creating a strawman and attacking that strawman instead. (IE. Instead of addressing the issue with severe faction imbalance, they just claim the people complaining clearly don’t actually want to be on PvP realms and should leave) They are benefiting from the imbalance, and don’t want it fixed is the only thing I can come up with.

That or they are blatant trolls.


Good to get the faction imbalance thread out of the way early in the day


Seems like it… as someone that plays and prefers Horde, why would I be against faction balance? the only people who seem to want that unfair advantage are… well, the people you’d expect that take a 15 year old game too seriously/pretend it’s hardcore.

I wouldn’t want to play a FPS game if the teams were 30 vs 20; A MOBA that is 7v3, and I sure don’t find any joy, skill, or challenge in 5v1 ganks lol.


Unfortunately, on the servers that this is most severe, the numbers are a bit closer to 10:1 than 7:3

But some people don’t want to acknowledge the problem, and insist on trolling. :woman_shrugging:


I have a question for you. Do you think that the majority of open world skirmishes on balanced servers are perfectly even? Do you think that the five rogues and druids stealthed on the road in Feralas are going to give you a free pass because you are alone?

Open world PvP is almost NEVER balanced. Either you and yours outnumber the enemy significantly or vice versa. Do you think you are not getting constantly ganked while leveling on a balanced server?

Benediction (my server) is slightly Horde favored. Try leveling from 47+ as Horde without getting ganked constantly. Even before that level it’s tough, but that is about the time when you can’t go 5 feet without getting killed. Same thing happens to Alliance. It’s laughable that people think that the problem is faction imbalance, but not surprising.

Here is the real issue: People are free to gank other people as a game mechanic. If that is in a given game, it’s going to be tough. The more popular the game, the tougher it will be. PEOPLE are the problem.

At this point, I’m so jaded with the community outcry that I don’t really care about how popular the game is. As long as there is at least 1 PvP server for me to play on, then the rest can suck it. And I’m quite sure there will be at least that for many years to come. Hopefully people who don’t like the game won’t play it anymore and people who do like the game continue to play.

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They’d probably still be camped, but a more balanced faction population would remove the factor of facing overwhelming numbers and give both sides a sporting chance. I understood the OP’s message to mean the crux of the matter is the lack of having a realistic chance to fight back when facing the overwhelming opposition on imbalanced servers.


No, and they don’t need to be. That isn’t the issue.

The issue is that a server that is say 70% A and 30% B, for example, the skirmishes which you mentioned are going to almost always favour A. More A’s in the world will lead to a lot of skirmishes, ganks, camping, etc., that ends unfavourably for B, sheerly by way of numerical advantage.

A server that is 50% A and 50% B will still have ganking, unfair fights, etc.; however, the likelyhood of these events occurring less and being more ‘even’ and ‘balanced’ will/would be far greater.

Like I said… in an FPS or MOBA, you’re still going to have instances where its 3 people shooting at 1, or a gank that is 3v1… but that doesn’t mean that the teams should be 40vs10 or 7v3.