No Way to reach Antoran High Command

I had the bug too. The mobs you’re meant to kill to summon the portal did not spawn.

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Same thing happened to me last night. I stumbled upon this topic trying to figure out how to get there since I’ve never done that part of the raid before.

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Still broken 4/10/2020 No pad, no mobs, nothing. Ran around for a good while seeing if there was some kind of weird trigger needing to happen and just nothing. I just want the cloak :frowning:

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LFR btw, Not sure on other difficulties, is broken

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4/12/2020. Still broken :frowning:
All i wanted was a chest piece.
If i had known this would happen, i would have used more coins there back in Legion.

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Not to sound overly salty on this, but does anyone here think Blizzard is going to address this? Multiple posts regarding this issue for several months now, and it’s still in game. Shadowlands + COVID-19 = Old content ignored. Sucks, but that isn’t going to change.

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4/12/2020 - Still happening. Can this be fixed please

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4/13/2020 - Still happening…

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I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, but I think I read a long time ago that they won’t usually address issues like this until it’s buried by 1 expansion.

Maybe it only pertained to boss fights that can’t be soloed, but I know somewhere in the old forums it was discussed.

You might be right. Siege of Orgrimmar was basically unsoloable until they changed the Galakras fight in 7.1, IIRC. Assuming the timetable for Shadowlands holds, we’re looking at another year, perhaps a year and a half before this issue is finally resolved. I just hope they get around to it.

15th April 2020. Still broken. Sadly the quality we were used to from Blizzard games appears to be fading

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That’s normally when certain mechanics make something unsoloable because they normally require a group, this sounds more like it’s a bug that would prevent anyone, even a full group, from advancing.

So I have found the problem here. Once you defeat Sargeras’ Hounds. Go back up the hill and take the 1st available left. You’ll see a fat demon with 3 shivering hounds (mutated felhounds) kill them and BOOM there is your teleporter to the High Command.
Hope this helps


Yeah LFR is still toast because of where the transporter is located. But normal/Heroic is fine since you take a path up & around the Hounds area to get to a transporter.

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It just worked for me on LFR!! The teleporter appeared right after I killed the Hounds.


It’s working for me, too. Maybe they hotfixed in the bug fix?


Can confirm the portal is now spawning!


It’s still broken for me, as of 4/21/20. It seems to be hit or miss for people, but I’ve never once had it work.

I had this happen two weeks ago (no portal) but I’d skipped some trash. Since then, I’ve killed all the trash in the order they are encountered (as a raid would do). Portal has spawned by hounds each time so I think the trash kill order affects what spawns (or does not). Do the trash in order :slight_smile:

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I was able to get to high command and kill boss but can’t leave after coming down the elevator because the beacon to leave didn’t spawn. I even hearthd to dalarn and ported back to Argus, when I enter the raid it bring me back across with no beacon to get back. I’m stuck at high command…