No Way to reach Antoran High Command

I solo’ed the Light’s Breach LFR (from Dalaran) 2-3 weeks ago and got to the end just fine, first time through without ever having done the raid before. (So obviously it was easy to find the way through.)

Maybe 10-12 days ago, I tried and there was no way to go from the felhounds (the second boss) to the High Command final boss. Although I’d only done it once, I believe there was a teleport pad you used to get to the next section.

I tried it again last night – still, no pad or way to reach the final boss. Not sure if the recent patch rollout screwed something up… Could someone look into this?


I also experienced the exact same issue with the teleport pad not spawning after killing the felhounds on LFR, this was on 10/9/19

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I have had the same issue for at least 2 weeks. There were no problems prior to October. Since the portal system is different in ABT LFR, its possible they were planning to normalize LFR’s portal location to match the other difficulties. They might have removed the LFR port and failed to implement the other port.

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Still happening, did it three times today

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As of 11/4/19, still a bug that happens. All I need is the cloak for my transmog set, which only drops off AHC. Bums me out ):

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Yep still happening, trying to get mog from High Command and pads not there. Left to re-enter killed the first two bosses again but still no way to get there. :\

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Still happening 11/6/2019. thought i was going crazy.


Bump. Still happening on 11/8/19. Submitted a bug report, going to submit a ticket as well. I get that this would be low priority for them, but it would still be nice to see it fixed!

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still happening today as well.


This bug is still occurring as of 11/21/19.

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Will this ever get fixed?


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I’ll toss my hat into here too, that this is bugged. There is indeed supposed to be a unique teleporter for the LFR version of Antorus that does not appear. I’d like to collect my DK’s LFR cape since I did not do raiding content around the end of Legion.

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Still bugged as of 12/3/19 after the weekly reset. Wish we could get some confirmation that they are aware of the issue.

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After this reset it’s still buggus.

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Does anyone know a work around to get to High Command while we wait for Blizzard? With 8.3 around the corner and the massive amount of work going into 9.0 you know where this stands on the totem poll. Not a high demand to fix a LFR version teleporter for moggers who are attempting to collect sets that are not even Legacy yet.

So I know where I stand, I just know some of you are crafty and might know how to get there.


The LFR version is still bugged–no teleport pad spawns after defeating the hounds, and thus you can’t reach the High Command.

A friend and I duo’ed Normal instead, where everything worked as intended. Still, LFR should be fixed!

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Still bugged… No surprise there. Blizzard won’t even fix the freaking Karazhan bug in the Chess Event which is more than 3 years old. Blizzard just doesn’t care about the game anymore. It’s all about money now that Activision holds the leash.

Still a bug 12/12/2019

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This isn’t bugged as of this morning. You need to defeat the hounds then come back up the hill and go the other route to get the teleporter pad to spawn. If you look at the map you will see a symbol on the bridge to the high command… that is where the pad spawns.

Bugged for me, no teleport spawned anywhere after killing the dogs.

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