No Way to reach Antoran High Command

Still Happening 3/30/20

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I was hoping that with them adding Legacy Loot rules to Legion, they would also work on a fix for this issue but no. It’s still happening as of 3/31/20. No way to finish the LFR version of the Antorus set, which is highly frustrating.

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Still bugged 3/31/20. Soling on HEROIC and it happens. Not exclusive to LFR.


Yep bugged for me last week checking to see if I could solo normal for the new legacy buff and surprise surprise it happened again after reset

Please dont tell me they’re gonna pull a mythic HFC and say oh thats happening? We had no idea…

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Still bugged… seriously Blizz… sort this out!

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Bugged. Great to introduce legacy loot, then we cant actually run the raids. Please fix Blizzard


Happening to me as well. Not getting the vehicle to get to Imonar after Eonar/Portal Keeper either.

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Still bugged 2 April, 2020. What a joke!

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Came here to see if i was going crazy, apparently not :frowning: please fix this bug!!

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If you go back the way you came to the fork in road and go northwest there are some mobs on a round platform that looks like there could be a bridge to other side, kill them and a teleporter drops.


There are no mobs there to kill in LFR.


Just tried on LFR and your right, not working, works on norm and heroic but not LFR.

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Yup, still bugged 4/2/20. Been submitting a bug report every time but still nothing.

Very disappointed to see it wasn’t fixed with the introduction of legacy loot for the instance.

I’m hoping that as a new wave of people rush into antorus they finally fix this.

Not holding my breath tho.


4/3 - yep, still bugged

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4/4/20, still bugged. I put in a bug report in-game every time.

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Bug present here as well.

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just ran twice still bugged April 6, 2020. LFR solo. defeated charhounds no tele pad spawn to get to high command.

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Did it 2 times on different characters and the pad did not spawn for me either.

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9 April 2020, Still broken. Can’t finish the transmog set that I actually want since there is a piece that ONLY comes from this boss on LFR.

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