Antoran High Command is the final boss of that LFR wing. Just queue for the next one.
I know it’s 2022, but for whoever sees this later - You just have to kill the mobs in front of where the portal should be. When looking down at where the felbeast bosses were, turn right instead and then left. kill mobs. portal comes up. move on.
I’m that person in 2023 looking for help lol. Thank you.
Isn’t it about time this gets fixed? I know it’s old content but I’m pretty sure plenty of people come here for transmogging.
Thank you!
May 3, 2024… YO BLIZZ? Can I get a can of raid please. I would like to kill this BUG!!! Come on Blizz, just take a few hrs and fix this…
I came here as well looking for the answer. I went and watched a walk through of the raid. The trash before the platform needs to be killed in order for the portal to open to get to Antoran High Command
You have to kill hasabel Eonar garothi worldbreaker before you can get the portal for ahc