I did! Though I’m unsure if I’m supposed to bug report it every time I encounter it (which would be once a week since I’m bored a lot) or if the one time bug report is all I’m supposed to do.
STILL bugged. Has anyone figured out a work around or seen any posts/updates about this? Or is Blizzard straight ignoring us? Ive submitted bug reports in game for months now that are just straight ignored.
It’s been 4 months since this thread was started and it still hasn’t been fixed yet. What’s the hold-up?
more important bugs have been fixed like 3x pet biscuit. LMao. but really there a lot of broken class bugs they havent looked at either. missing a few tmogs from that LFR because this is broken and has been for a very very long time.
Still bugged 2/19/20
2/21/20 still bugged
I just wanted to have the transmog for my druid
as of 20-2-2024 still bugged
Still bugged 2/25/20
3/1/20, still bugged. Tried running up and down the hill, through the other teleporter up top, everywhere we could find. No teleporter, no Antoran High Command.
Still bugged 3/3/20
I’ve been watching this thread so I could know when it was fixed.
This is just depressing now. Been a while since I’ve seen so many bugs go on for so long, and with such little communication.
Still bugged 3/9/20
I too experience this bug…
3/12/20, still bugged.
Five months without a fix. This is really just depressing at this point.
Still bugged 3/12/20
Just happened to me too. Should be fixed by 9.2, just have to wait 18 months.
Just happened to me too. Very excited to see that this has been a known issue since 8.2.5 at least, if not earlier, yet hasn’t been fixed yet.
5 months later and this bug is still in the game as far as I know. I’m not going to bother trying this again until I hear it’s fixed. I reported this bug with the in-game bug reporting.
This still happening to this wing! 3/20/20
Still happening as of 3/29/20