Still bugged as of today. - Tried with two friends, no teleport spawned anywhere.
This was still bugged last night, 12/19/19.
Still bugged, 12/28/19
Ah, first time here. Thought I was just dumb
12/31/19, no way to get there.
Solo LFR.
Just did this with two friends for giggles… can confirm the bug still exists.
I finally got someone to help me with this. T.T Then I learned about the bug. Still exists on 1/4/2020.
Still bugged as of 1/7/2020…
Still bugged ^ …
Good gracious Blizz. Why do I pay for bugs? /smh
Still bugged as of 1/20/20. Please, Blizz, I need transmog from this boss…
1/20/20, confirming the bug.
1/29/2020, still present.
It’s not just the teleport pad missing, there’s a group of mobs you’re supposed to kill in order to enable the teleport pad. Those mobs, Clubfist Beastlord and three Slobbering Fiends, are missing from LFR.
2/1/20 well I got the teleport pad to spawn in, but instead of that bug I got a different one… killed the three generals and the final boss won’t spawn… am I supposed to trigger it somehow or what
How did you get the teleport pad to spawn in?
Just happened to me. Ridiculous.
Still happening, 02/07/20. I have never, ever gotten the teleport pad (or the mobs before it) to spawn. I’ve run this LFR just about every week and not once has it worked for me.
Still happening 02/08/20
Still Happening 02/10/20
2/11/20 Emerald Dream server. Still bugged.
This might be a dumb question, but are people submitting in-game bug reports from the help menu?