No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

the problem would be openly solved if the company took the SC and made them Void Elves NPC’s

Lol, I always run out of them as well then have like 8+ hour cooldowns and it sucks.

Of course it is, but it’s not ok to use non-existent things as arguments.

I am honestly tired of the lengths many of my kin go to to try to get moar when we’ve got what we need right now.

It’s time to seek void options so blizzard has time to work on it.

I do understand people wanting to play the high elf who remained Alliance. It’s a story I’ve always been interested in myself.

I have been more than happy to work with blizzard on that though. My velfs are blueberries and this one is the only wayfarer I got. (and only cause I accidentally randomed into it and it was beautiful).

Ah I see. If you have the feeling of being intolerant of something it is best to remove yourself from it.

We live in the Void now. Summoning powerful creatures would hardly be a problem.

Hell one tries to bring itself there while some other void elf students are training.

On the whole I agree. But blizzard set that lore up when they made the Rift.

As such I still find it to be valid.

I actually have…

Though I did that on another toon I suppose.

Many have zealously fought for high elves in the Alliance for some 15 years.

I understand why they fight tooth and nail, but the story moves on.

Erasing what void elves are is being disingenuous to the lore between Velfs, helfs and belfs.

The future is velf and belf. The traditional high elf is going extinct.

I hope they’ll realize that and let go.

While I think nightborne need and deserve more love, I do agree alliance elves should have had more differentiation to belfs than skin color.

Alleria too.

bat’s with newspaper

Back in your cave!

This would be an interesting story!


oh well the teased you and gave them to the Horde and you still can not accept it or come to terms with it that is why these threads keep appearing even after ION made it perfectly clear
IF YOU WANT HIGH ELVES THE HORDE IS WAITING FOR YOU. nope all that did was make the crying worse.

Could be, but… I don’t see Blizzard ever doing that, and I see that starting a whole new (perhaps even more heated) discussion.

Neither side is going to be happy until they get exactly what they want and that does seems to be at odds, so there is always going to one side that is unhappy. So this will never ever stop… ever.

And that’s okay. I like the entertainment value and getting to talk to interesting people.

How do you figure? I mean really how do you figure given Alliance keeps taking and taking and taking and we get nothing in return and if you dare mention Nightborne I will auto block you.

All of like 2 of them.

No no I see where he is coming from he does agree on many of the points we share. And wishes the Void elf group would stop and start asking for there own customization and not take ours.

Both know the model we were stuck with for the Nightborne is a huge hot mess.

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Can I mention them in the context that they need much more work to be what players were going for?

They are just poor night elf faces modified when they should have been beautiful!

I can find issues on both sides of ridiculous annoyance.

Blizzard is to blame but it is not biasies. It’s that they are bad at reading their players and keeping that within lore, while pushing annoying systems, and failing to support their lore.


I’d love to see some short stories put out for the “regular Joe” sort of characters for each race.


Now now.

There were three.

One in the keep one wandering the mage district and one in the mage tower.

Totally a race worth a pc slot at that time.

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The bias is where Alliance gets what they want and we don’t, we just keep getting screwed over and over again while you all get what you want and that doesn’t fly with me, not anymore.

Mechagnomes vs vulpera.

Granted, I like mechagnomes, but… well. We all know.


There’s people who hate Blood Elves so much they want AU classic and to change BC going forward :skull_and_crossbones:

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I think they are both adorable.

Those people should prepare for disappointment. It’s never going to happen. I’ll bet the farm.


This isn’t even up for debate, Vulpera come from the Goblin model and they are key to a whole Horde zone and Mechagnomes are an off branch of a core Alliance race the Gnomes.

I can tell you with 100% certainty, this wasn’t what the Alliance high elf pros wanted.

I did… But that’s just cause I saw Wayfinder and scholars and wanted that expanded.

Though I did think they’d just become blueberries.

I do recommend before your time is up fully, that you submit a suggestion ingame telling blizzard your thoughts. It’s a direct way to reach them, and your opinion is at least worth them looking at.

Edit: I apologize I confused you with another.

Still submit the in game suggestion!


Blood elves are Horde. Why would you change that?

No respect for lore…

And the moon and the stars.

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I can tell you I don’t really care what they want or wanted because I frown upon them all.

And I’m not going anywhere, I’ll always be here to fight you and everyone else that tries to peddle the BS you try to peddle, I assure you.

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Yeah sorry I thought you were Berri. Misread who I was talking to. My immense apologies.

Also aside from explaining the current skintones and I guess eyes, what am I peddling that causes you ire?

My support is for more void options.