No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

That there’s no Alliance bias because there is, you know it, I know it, everyone else knows it, the one sidedness at this point is absurd and whether or not you want to acknowledge it or not doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Which is sort of my problem with Lightforged and Mechagnomes and Highmountain. Instead of the taunka, Broken or actual mechanical gnomes that people requested, we got gnome but more so, tauren with extra tauren sauce and DRAENEI!

Which was great and all, but didn’t bring anything really new to the table.

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Ah, just that then.

Well I see no such bias. I play both sides cause I’m more interested in story than not.

Both Horde and Alliance don’t get what they want exactly. Blizzard sometimes goes out of their way to mess it up it feels.

Horde gets treated like bad guys Alliance gets treated like morons. No one wins.


The only issue I see with those three races is customization options, otherwise they fit exactly where they are.

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Then clearly you getting as you put it my ire is exactly what you deserve because there is a bias and it’s for the Alliance so.

More than any of the others, those three should have been customization options.

Culturally, they don’t bring much new. Likewise, their entire story differences are minimal.

I guess Highmountain are tauren that aren’t nomadic, so that’s different. Or it would be, if Bloodhooves hadn’t been settled in Thunderbluff for the entire game and literally anything had been made of those differences.

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This is the unfortunate trouble with arguments based in emotional and subject ideologies. You often can’t come to common ground even with people who are “on the same side”


Nitpicking, but they all had blue eyes until they as a country started using fel magic. And they called themselves the blood elves before the alliance tried to execute them. In that period they had blue eyes.

After the sunwell was cleansed, many stopped using fel to sate their addiction, and it left their system over time. Belves having blue eyes is fine.

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This isn’t WC2.

I seldom subscribe to malevolence what I can subscribe to incompetence and lack of consideration.

There’s certainly been things in this game (most egregiously the GREAT ROBOT CAT patch) that make me say “Horde bias”. And things that are Alliance biased… WOD PvP, anyone?

In both cases, especially with Cata, I’m more prone to assume the devs were being careless.

I’m fine with them being allied races and given they are allied races that ship has kind of already sailed so.

Believing that devs are just kind of doing what they want at any given time because “they think it’s cool” is probably the most accurate guess for any decision made in this game ever.


I know this post is directed at me and that’s fine but he’s not on the same side as me, he won’t even acknowledge that there’s actually a problem so.

I’m certainly not calling for a rollback! Jazzed the mechagnome rogue, Kutuk the Highmountain death knight, and Boast the Lightforged priest are all here to stay. You just asked for an example.

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It wasn’t actually. I’m just a neutral observer making running commentary. Take from it what you will. I just describe what I’m seeing.

The problem is so far with everything you have said, I don’t see an issue of how Alliance has been shafted at all because the allied races they have gotten with exception of Void Elves belong exactly where they are at.

Which makes them a bit dull, don’t you think?

Even Kultirans, who are for some reason that’s never been explained, larger than draenei, are humans. Half their NPCS use the base human model, for crying out loud.

This one I really don’t see a reason for complaining, they look amazing, they have a completely new model, they have completely new and unique assets, etc.

Also no, I actually like the allied races.

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I’ll take things that are not true for 800, Alex.

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I’ll admit I do feel the alliance really got the hard shaft with another human race something they have been wanting to change for a long time. I did both sides in BFA and like I posted how many more horses and gyphons can the alliance get more off I can see why people are fed up and migrating to the horde the human overload is so bad.

But it still does not dismiss how the blood elves [Edited by Blizzard] from the company and were still getting it.

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