No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

then stop asking for our stuff and leave the blood elf Identity alone your not a high elf anymore you are a VOID elf you getting near the sun well is like gasoline to fire.

you don’t look like High elves your suppose to be tainted just cause Alleria is different doesn’t mean you need to be just like her.

Um, I’m not 100%, but I don’t think Fenelon has ever asked for more helf/belf stuff. I think you might be picking a fight with the wrong void elf.


You just say that and this because you are on the faction that keeps taking and taking and taking from my faction and from my race and you clearly think it’s okay, so whatever.

honestly I see void elf I see only a negative set of players who are still NOT happy and the piss poor compromise Blizzard handed out.

once again I will say it the High elves were not even part of the alliance and were not even in WoW they came into BC as a Horde race and it’s been a painful story watching the melt down players have had over it. The Silver Covenant didn’t even arrive till the WotLK

I don’t need your identity.

Oi don’t tell me blood elves are only the look for you?

No, I’m rather happy now as I am. I do think since lore supports that the way Alleria became a void elf it makes fine sense for us to get the options we have so far gotten. If it weren’t for her I’d think this was all rather poor taste for blizzard, whether they were trying to give the fantasy or not.

I’d agree since looking like leaders isn’t always a thing but in her case, the path she used to become a void elf is valid.

I’ve asked, but I’m more into void options now.

I do ask for cross over with one tattoo option (farstrider) because of Alleria again, but only if belfs get it too.

Oh and ear sliders.

I say this to any “Alliance Bias” fools as well.

It’s just that it’s not real no matter which side.


It’s okay to be wrong.

Hi. Zareem here again. Some times… Void Elf players are… just playing void elves. Picking fights with someone because they happen to have a character on a race/faction that has other members that you don’t like… is really really really silly.


Intolerant of blizzard’s choices with their game. Me being the intolerant one. Why would I continue playing? I can’t understand that logic.

“Alleria eventually overpowered the revenant and slain it. Locus-Walker retrieved its heart and gave it to Alleria, who consumed it. Locus-Walker was impressed, even mentioning that she had slain a Void demigod”

So uhh, the way Alleria did it is not reproducible anymore. Since she did it the same way everyone else does, only on a greater scale as a much more powerful and informed being with a much more significant relationship to those who deeply relate to and understand the void.

Just because something works for Alleria Windrunner, or Thrall, or Sylvannas Windrunner, doesn’t mean it should work for legolas the level 15 void elf that pretends they are a high elf in their headcanon.

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When they are trying to push and peddle the BS he is, I am pretty sure they are good assuming they are in the right and so am I.

I dunno. You’re tots good peeps Naught, but as an outsider… It feels like a lot of the time, people are just looking to pick fights with anyone they deem as the “them” in the “them vs us”


I’m sick of people acting like there isn’t an issue, he is doing exactly that and there is an issue, I will not put up with one sided BS.

then please tell the others to stop demanding everything blood elf. You are the first void elf I have met who seems to have a level understanding the rest sure do not.

It is Zareem the fact our own model and customizations were handed over hurt the blood elf players deeply it was like the company kicked us in the butt and said deal with it.

When they should have made a new model I mean look at the jacked-up dog ugly model we got for Nightborne every alliance player still goes you got the night elf model.

Just imagine that character with blonde and or white hair with Alleria tattoos.

Nah, that seems terrible. I love my purple hair. Tats would be cool though.

go play lord of the rings problem solved.

I will agree that the NB model deeply needs work.


One less annoyance would be nice.

Amen to that out of likes so have a :blue_heart: :heart:

I do agree. Everyone who has these deep seated issues with this game as it is now would probably be better served by not playing anymore.


Then they should have not teased us in vanilla wow with all of the high elves in our cities and in the world to quest with.