No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Yup, because blizzard set the precedent that they will throw a bone multiple times if alliance cries enough. It’s a “dangerous” precedent. The right thing to do is show humility and admit fault, undo the skin tone change so that the distinction is maintained. Then never make the same mistake again. Otherwise it’s never going to be enough. The community will kill the game because they will know that crying is an effective strategy of getting their way.

Those who think this will even remotely occur are setting themselves up for only dissapointment.

Better to roll with the changes.

Wayfarers and scholars are simply becoming void elves. No more lore issue at all.


Sadly I don’t see them doing that, they didn’t even remove Void Elves when Alliance players showed how ungrateful they were and are and Blizzard should have, furthermore Blizzard hasn’t even given Horde anything in return for the things they have taken from Blood Elves for Void Elves and it reeks of Alliance bias.

I agree. Just delte void elf as well. Replace with what it should be and what we deserve and have been asking for since beginning of wow. If not then just give blonde and white hair for the fantasy.

Ah, Alliance or Horde bias. It’s always one or the other.


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I put money on this never happening. Void elves are here to stay. Might as well get acclimated.

Difference is Alliance bias is actually an issue and it’s real, Horde bias is BS made up by crybabies on Alliance when they don’t get their way, that makes all the difference.

That’s fine. Just give blonde and white hair then and this can end.

Nah, hard pass on that too.

Edit: Besides, why would I want this to end. These threads are some of the most entertaining on the whole forum.


On the bright side you can always just keep using the hair option you already chose.

What’s the disappointment about not having to ration your limited lifespan with an mmo in the mix?

Better to quit and adapt to the greater life without WoW.

Who and the what now? Sounds like a retcon.

edit: Just think about how stupid it is that wayfarers would have different skin because they are high elves and not blood elves. Blood elves and high elves ARE THE SAME.

Keep on doing that Mental Gymnastics you love so much. The High elves left the alliance in WC 3 and in Wow they were NOT your core race get over that stupid false narrative. The High elves became blood elves due to Arthas renaming your race does not wipe out our High elf ancestry like every alliance seems to think. I swear the mental thinking and peddling some do in these forums is mind-boggling. the fact blizzard tried to appease you all and you still spit in blizzard face shows you don’t care you just want to be angry toddlers.

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There is no difference between the “crybabies” as you put it, whether they be Horde or Alliance.

Blizzard isn’t good enough at this to have bias.

Oh I agree, if you cannot handle it, that is a big sign it’s time to step away from the game for awhile.

Ultimately this is a game and if you find some aspect of it is enough to quit over… Then yeah. Do that.

While that wouldn’t be odd for blizzard, we have had scholars and wayfinders training in the Rift since it came into being.

Not really any retcon needed.


I can still tell the two apart. void elves have greasy hair styles with some tentacles sticking out on most hair styles

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It’s not about “handling” it. It’s about being intolerant of it. The fact that you view stuff like this as something to handle really speaks volumes about your personal relationship with this game. But that can of worms is not my business.

How do you explain that high elves and blood elves are genetically the same, yet because we can now play the high elf wayfarer void elves, they are suddenly capable of light skin tones? What the hell?

…No offense. I think I like you, but I also think it’s going to be good that you are taking a break from the game from a while .


it’s all that mental BS they pull in their heads 24/7 they don’t even accept after all this time that the High Elves left the alliance before wow even came out and then they were put into the horde the rage has been constant since this happened I didn’t get my lord of the ring goody two shoe feelings.

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Intolerant how?

No one is saying high elves and blood elves are not the same…

It’s easy to explain. Alleria followed one path to become a void elf. The blueberry velfs, and I use this next term loosely, followed another path.

Since the trap is not reproducible Alleria’s path is the next most sensible to produce more Void Elves. Wayfinders and Scholars are simply doing that.

Alleria had no physical change so… It works.

she cause the sun well to nearly explode that is one huge change if I say so!
Try a little bit harder this time.

Not a physical one. But yes she has changed. Which is why I’m confident that we’re full void elves not high elves.

Uh… What?