No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Are you a defibrillator?

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Most people are just asking for hair colors and not hair styles.

I don’t want Void Elf Hair styles.

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Yes well we have established that we are okay with one another and accept one another’s thoughts and opinions even if we don’t exactly agree, not everyone is like that. Lol.

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I play one on TV.

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The whole, “Never be happy with what they’re given” thing is absurd.

Players asked for High Elves. They won’t ever stop until they get High Elves.

Why’d you think it would stop?

I promise you it won’t stop until people get playable High Elves.

Attach Pads.
Stand back and prepare for shock.

Resume chest compressions.

How do you know for sure that you never will? If you ask Blizzard hard enough, and get enough people asking for it Blizzard might just give it to you. After all that worked for us sort of.

Any additional “high elf” customization void elves get doesn’t have to (and for my money, shouldn’t) come from blood elves. I’m generally against 1:1 copies.

Sometimes it happens, be it expediency, laziness, or just whatever. I’d sooner it didn’t in this case.

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you want high elves the HORDE is waiting for you ION own words deal with it.

I asked that. I’m a firefighter for my day job and I can’t not read the name sd “Ay-ee-dee” every time.

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It’s called a compromise.

And it’s already skewed in your favor.

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I want people to be happy just not at Blood Elves’ expense alone.

Unless they’re one of those petulant super demanding jerk types in which case it’s the great wall of no because they’re a jerk.

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Nice try but I have common sense, if they were going to give Horde the Night Elf model as a copy like they gave Alliance the Blood Elf model copy they would have from the get go.

Playable on the Alliance. Since they already have them on the Horde and have had them since TBC.

What Alliance players want is the Horde option on the Alliance, but also have high elves options that could also apply to Blood Elves, since they are High Elves under a different name.

The only thing that will fix this is if Blizzard just straight up copies all BE options to Alliance VEs and gives Horde no customization options because that wouldn’t be fair for Alliance players after all these years of having to deal with their elves being put on Horde.

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Your being a great wall of no doesn’t mean anything though. You don’t have any power.

You might want to consider being reasonable just for your mental health.

Odds are once the Allied Race customization stuff comes in Void Elves are gonna get Blonde and White hair. You’ll probably be less upset if you’re not trying to be a bulldog trying to “Protect” hair colors High Elves have anyways.

The real question is why are you not an angry resto shaman who gets fed up every now and then and just zaps people?

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Uh no? Taking something from other races would be ridiculous and have no justification.

If the Void Elves are going to be getting more options in the future then they will most certainly be either the same as or similar to the Blood Elf ones. That’s just how it’s going to be.

Such a waste of a cool concept if they did.


Because I don’t like shamans. I might be change eventually and do that at some point. It sounds hilarious.

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That’s the art directors words. Deal with it. Because you’re gonna have to.

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