No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Why does getting hair colors and hair styles from Kul Tirans require justification?


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Why would Elves have human hair colors?

Also, I’d honestly just prefer they added some High Elf hair styles in there.

How is it a waste?

Now they have the ability to grow both the Void options as well as the High Elf options.

Shamans need healing lightning… and maybe some wind elementals expanding peoples lungs.

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I like how Dr. Femur Measurer MD twists the Art Director’s words to suit his own wants. It’s a great display of chutzpah to quote someone saying that they are given some options to give a taste of high elf to characters and then bald face lie and say that they said they gave them straight up high elves.


So what do you want from us to start rooting for Void Elves to never receive anything ever again?

Well your statement earlier seemed to be saying all their option would be belf like. And frankly what they did already was a waste as it takes up options that could have been new with exact copies of another race.

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Not even remotely true and you know it.


I wish the obsessed high elf stans would stop harassing that poor clueless art director.

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Life is so much easier when you just block him, I did.

Blood Elves can’t have anything ever again. It will turn into a war and the demand for those options on VE will be on the forums for months and years until they get it.

BE is gone. Their identity is gone. When I look at my toon all I see now is a copy paste for both sides.

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And miss the fun? plus he’s blocked me already (not that it stops him from talking about me)

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I think it’d be better to obtain options from Blueside for void elves. Kul Tirans, in particular, have the same textures as void elves and a cool palette that’s different from blood elves’ tendency towards highlights. They also have some fantastic hairstyles that’s, as yet, underutilized in the barbershop.

So if void elf customization additions, for some reason, begin and end with “more high elf friendly hair”, that’s where I’d like it to go.

For one reason, it’s easy, so hopefully doing that would spare some time for more interesting projects.


You all can root for whatever you want. It’s not going to bother me one bit.

Yet you’re still here instead of leveling.

You would think that but I encounter new people to argue with in these threads every day, there is never going to be a lack of those types of people. Lol.

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People are already clamoring for our lackluster jewelry options too. It’s sad, trying to beg for hand me downs all the time.


Of course I’m here instead of leveling. I’m not at home. I’m posting from my phone.

Also being entertained is not the same as being bothered.

I still think it’s just the same 8 people on a bunch of alts making the same ridiculous arguments over and over again until they get blocked.

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It can’t be a core race for your faction if it was never playable on the Alliance to begin with first.

So as it stands, Blood Elves are the Core Race that were first playable on Horde. Sorry!