No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

The Horde has human rogue factions… doesnt mean we should have humans… you having a single rogue highborne faction doesnt mean you should get a horde race.

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I honestly can’t tell if you are kidding or not because your post sounds like a parody lol

Well, get in your time machine and go back to before BFA and maybe you can stop Horde from getting Nightborne and Alliance getting Void Elves.

PS. Void Elves are a literal Horde race.

High Elves aren’t, ironically.

I know. It’s part of your empathy problem.

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Okay then stop calling yourself a High elf and use the correct term for void elves and we can use the Term Thalassian.

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He isn’t. You gotta irrationally try to keep the Alliance from having your toys. Sort of.

Nightborne arent a rogue faction of kal’dorei. They are Shal’dorei their own people.

The Highborne is a horde race and you getting a rogue faction of Highborne doesnt mean it should be on the alliance.

Nah. They’re Night Elves who have slightly different magic influencing them. Just like Void Elves are Blood Elves with slightly different magic influencing them.

This argument, “We didn’t get Night Elves but you got Blood Elves” is absolutely absurd.

It also doesn’t counter the argument. Horde got Nightborne in exchange for High Elves.

I don’t have an empathy problem. I do feel bad that the Blood Elves didn’t get that many new options. I really do.

I just don’t feel bad that Void Elves got High elf options because there is nothing to feel bad about. The options should have been there from the start. The lore supported it.

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All I’m asking is for people to request customizations from other Alliance races, like hair style and hair tones for Kul Titans instead of demanding more things be taken from Blood Elves.

I don’t think it’s an unreasonable request. Just leave Blood Elves alone.


OMG 10,000 years difference is a long time and they were changed dramatically by the Night Well so while they are descended from Night Elves they are totally different race .

Yes. When customization comes around to Allied Races, odds are that they will add Blonde and White hair colors, considering the size of the request on alliance side.

There’s a 10,000 year difference between Night Elves and Nightborne…

The difference between a Blood elf and High Elf is nothing but a name… it is like Redskins fans calling themselves redskin fans or whatever the team decided to rename the team… it is still the same team.

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Time really doesn’t matter in WoW. Void Elves were changed in an afternoon. Magical intensity is more the thing.

Nightborne are Night Elves.

There is just less Alliance animosity towards the Horde so nobody complains about it.

Yup and when we want our own Options Alliance players have a thermal melt down and scream Horde Bias and try to destroy our threads.

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At the end of the day, they’re not our babies.

Whatever Bliz does with 'em is going to happen. All we can do is state our requests.

Personally, I see too much awful junk to get upset easily. I’ve always found kindness goes further. It’s easier to convince someone to change their mind if you listen to them first.

Like you and I. By talking politely, we’ve established some commonalities.

At the end of the day, this is VERY low stakes poker, but I hope we can both take that going forward.

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I don’t care that they got skin tones.

I care that now that they’ve been given an inch they’re demanding a complete clone of Blood Elves, intent to rob is of what little distinction we have left while offering nothing in return instead of being reasonable and compromising by asking for stuff from other Alliance races.

Why. Can’t. You. Get. It. Through. Your. Thick. Head?

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your corrupted you don’t deserve them and you sure do not deserve our customization’s like what has happened

In a smaller period of time Night elves became High elves changed dramatically by the Sun well… so yeah. They are a totally different race

You clearly have not been reading my posts. I have said at least a couple times now that I wouldn’t mind in the slightest if Blood Elves got Void Elf options. It would not bother me at all.