No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

There is no real request for Silvermoon to be turned over to them. Also, it’s not something that’s going to happen anyways so there is no reason worrying about it.

neither did horde have it before they added them

You have people in here equating high elf options for Void Elves as “cultural appropriation” and calling it “stealing”.

That does not strike me as something a rational person would do.


Difference is they were actually added to us as untainted High Elves renamed Blood Elves, they weren’t added like that to Alliance so good luck trying to peddle that BS.

Oh yes and the Silver Covenant appeared in 2009 WotLk so I fail to see how you can say they were yours when we had them since BC and the elves left the alliance you had some who refused to go home and stayed so you had a rag tag band of traitors.

I am genuinely amazed that anyone takes the level 10 high elf whose entire post history is inflammatory elf customizations posts with anything other than a grain of salt.

I’m also, I guess, a bit confused by how proprietary people feel about the blood elf model. I’ve made no secret of the fact that I don’t mind sharing between factions, as long as the option to make a completely identical character doesn’t exist… except for Pandaren, obviously.

Also obviously, not everyone shares my stance. Which is why those, “you Alliance”, “you high elfers”, “blood elf players” comments make my eyebrows shoot up. We’re all playing the same game, most of us play both sides, and maybe moral judgements about where people come down on the pretendy runtime short internet elf on Blueside are unwarranted.


Sometimes you just gotta be harsh I guess.

(I’ve been waiting to use this gif)


High Elves are not a playable race. You need to learn to play pretend as much as you need to learn empathy. The world doesn’t revolve around you no matter how much your delusions of grandeur say otherwise.

I want to conserve distinction between the two and conserve what remains of the Blood Elf identity that has already been degraded.

Why can’t you people leave Blood Elves alone and go steal from some Alliance race?

I have no issue with you Sledge but really It’s way beyond that, get real.

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…is it, though?


better read again and with blizzard rolling on it’s belly going Oh yes we will give you the blood elf customization’s I can see them actually doing some half baked stunt like this.

I’m always harsh being nice is overrated, I treat people how I feel they deserve to be treated it’s why I can be the nicest person ever or the meanest person ever.

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There already is distinction between Void Elves and Blood Elves.

  • Different lore

  • Different leaders

  • Different customization options

  • Different faction

Void Elves getting some skin tones and some eye colors doesn’t magically make them completely the same as Blood Elves.

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Maybe not for you but you don’t feel how most of the people here feel so really it’s probably not a good place to be jumping into.

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There has been no less than three demands for Silvermoon that I have seen. There’s probably more because irrational high elf fans will not stop until Blood Elves are deleted.

They just added customization options instead of adding races. Wildhammer Dwarves for instance. Blizzard Developers have said that the customization options represent High Elves.

Instead of telling other people to use their imagination, why don’t you just use yours? Far easier than trying to convince people not to do something the developers have told them to do.

We are. We want to play High Elves.

Would you prefer the topic title be, “Blonde and white hair for High Elves?”

There have been no less than like, 3,000 calls for all High Elves to be murdered that I’ve seen.

But guess what? It doesn’t matter.

Yeah. Void Elves are just Blood Elves with some void juice.

Taking away the most prominent one, different customizations, is a huge deal.

Why can’t you people just try to get something like Kul Tiran hair models and tones? Then no one would care.

Noooooooo. You sticky fingered jerks want to clone Blood Elves instead and completely violate what’s left of our visual distinction.

Nah. People just want the High Elf hair colors.

Just so happens that the Blood Elf hair colors are High elf hair colors.