No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Okay so that last one is made up so I am just going to ignore it.

The rest is still not a big deal as far as I can tell. You keep saying “nothing in return”. Like what do you want? The void elf options? Because I would be completely fine with that.

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He does that a lot. He’s been told it’s rude before too.

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And they shouldn’t you are all a bunch of crybabies and it gets old fast.

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Oh look, a femur. Someone better go measure it.

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No your missing the point or have not been paying attention to the forums vey well Alliance void elf players are now pushing to have silvermoon given to them 100% or have half the city turned over to them.

I see only the same old people saying remove elves i see more people fighting to keep what little identity we have left

Our most popular and core race was given to your faction. Of course we act like this.

Says the person that’s whining about skin colors and eye colors in a video game lol

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It’s a big deal for the players who are losing their visual identity.

Do you lack the ability to feel empathy for others?

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It was never your core race, you never even had playable models of it just a few npcs here and there, get real.


HE fans think of many ways to steal Silvermoon and thank goodness that warfront never came to pass.

Alliance could have gotten a humiliating defeat and HE fans would for years talk about “well we can try again!”

They still haven’t got their head around the fact the MoP was a story that was for flavor Blood Elves were never “leaving” Horde.

I haven’t whined about you getting our skintones or our eye colors, lol, I have literally not once done that, I have said you don’t need anything more so shows what you know about me which is clearly nothing.

He is exceedingly good at that.

They stopped being Alliance in Warcraft 2. Why can’t you get this through your thick skull?

What Naughtymoon said but I wanna say it again for the people in the back because what in the world.

No I just not being irrational and know the lore. High elves should have the option to look like High elves if they want to.

If you wanna have the ability to look like a void elf in order to compensate for your imagined slight then I would be fine with that. I think it would be cool to have the same options for both sides.

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And since no one has high elf, it’s a moot point

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I think in this case it does. We have been ripped off most of what made blood elves Horde and it was given freely to the alliance This is why the company should have stuck with were not splitting races like we did with the panda.

Are you trying to insinuate something about everyone else here I assure you we all have brains because that seems a bit aggressive.

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Or we could keep doing what we’ve been doing for fifteen years and asking to play High Elves.

Why don’t you use your imagination and pretend like Blood Elves are the only Elves on Azeroth?


See why I always tell you being nice to these people is a mistake, now you know why I’m not nice to any of them, like at all.

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