No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at a helfer being ungrateful


You should leave real world problems out of this. Alliance players got a race they’ve been asking for, for 15 years that’s always been on their faction. You’re upset because you don’t want Alliance players to look similar to you. Horde has Nightborne who are just Night Elves. So… that ship has already sailed.

If we get blonde and whiter hair with Alleria tattoos i will be happy and guess what your precious blood elf will still there be. Wow will not end if i get this option will it? It won’t.

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you read it correct cause that is basically what happened what made blood elves so unique and different was handed over to appease the vocal void elf I want my high elf aesthetics and I don’t care about the horde players. they got our we got nothing.

that would be like us demanding all the options for all the alliance races

This is meaningless, you’re not entitled to it because you asked for it.

And a compromise was reached… twice, and this last one lets you have your Void Elf have the background of a Wayfarer if you want for all Blizzard cares.


I am very grateful for the options. They are great. But they are just eye colors and skin colors. They aren’t even the best options that were given out. So I’m not going to pretend to grovel and bow for some options that should have been available from the start.

The Night Elves and the Human made off like bandits with the new options. They look absolutely amazing.


You have two visual themes. The core race you parallel got jewelry. And this was the core race customization pass.

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Alliance people are always ungrateful, it’s why I hate them all, okay not all but almost all of them.

Yet that’s not enough for helf stans.

Helf stand want…

  • Every Blood Elf hairstyle while offering nothing in return.
  • Every Blood Elf hair color while offering nothing in return.
  • Every single Blood Elf customization without offering anything in return.
  • Silvermoon given to them on a silver platter.
  • Paladins despite there being no lore backing whatsoever.
  • Deletion of the Blood Elf race because they’re mad that Belves went Horde 14 years ago and want to punish Blood Elf players.
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You have the only race that gets fantasy and realistic skin tones. You made out like a bandit as well


you treat it as Trifling but it’s not it’s watering down the blood elves to appease void elf players. NO other race has had this happen.


I dont think it applies to pixels in a game.

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WoW isn’t about you Alleriara and hopefully Blizzard sees Blood Elf fan feedback for the future now since this last compromise was already skewed.


blood elf players continue to fear the high elf
add them


Girl, you got Nightborne. Go play a Horde Night Elf.

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Ever since i play wow for the first time i saw a high elf i said wow how do i play as this race. Then blizzard gave it to horde. I will never forget.

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You’re right blizzard doesn’t even care what alliance players want. Never did.

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Oh yes with the most unrealistic look to the actual NPC on the most broken model going so spare me your mocking tones.

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Actually we just want to play some. High Elves and are missing the hair colors.

You’re over reacting a little aren’t you? You know how many Horde players have said they want to kill/have High Elves deleted? There are way more of those people than people who talk about removing Blood Elves. And the Silvermoon thing was a war front from BFA alpha.

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You know you can use your imagination like roleplayers have been doing for years. Right?

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