No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Here we go another alliance shrill saying we get your, you get none of ours. typical Alliance players and this is why so many are getting more and more pissed off of the destruction of the Blood Elf aesthetics to placate the whiney faction.

Personally I blame ION and the company for giving into the babies on this forum I have never felt so let down when they did this to me and to others it was a huge slap in the face and spitting on the Horde players. The fact the Gnome doesn’t see to care about other players feeling but her own is just like the guy from yesterday. my needs override everyone else and if you don’t like it too bad I am going to scream for more.

the fact our NB got the most jacked up piece of dirt model the Night elf that is broken and with the rework more ugly than Murloc backside is a crime. They look nothing like the NPC and don’t even have the glowing fingertips or the right face.
the fact we have three beaten in the face looks is a JOKE and they all scream OAP from a nursing home.

Gee we got such a bargain didn’t we…

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You all have completely lost it. Good Lord.

Look I’m annoyed that I barely freaking changed as a Blood Elf Male, but I don’t think insults are the way.


At this stage I really do not care and I am surely not insulting anyone directly. the fact everyone and I mean everyone said the same thing over and over to warn us.

AND HERE we are
OUR model
OUR customization.
and the fact they want all of ours with no respect for how we blood elf players feel and how we have been bent over and treated like dirt. WHEN does it stop? the fact they are DEMANDING silvermoon be turned over to them or half the city is and they are doing that more and more.


Oh the irony in them telling you to be respectful when they never are. Haha.

We’ve already made a list and asked for our things. We’re just not being annoying petulant children spamming constantly.

We’re fighting to let Blizzard know that we are mad at our state of continually degrading identity and don’t want to lose any more of what makes is unique. We want to preserve what little we have left.

I will continue to defend what little we have left against a crowd of helf stans who are unwilling to compromise. I will not lay down and allow my favorite race to be violated anymore without a fight.


This 1000%

Blood Elf male customization is so sad.

I wanted to use the jewelry too everyone knows that. I am very let down by that. Do I think the jewelry is a joke in terms of being the main essence of Blood Elf customization? Yes. But I think its silly to not let it be used on both models.

I wanted that as well on my male Blood Elf Demon Hunter, I posted on him earlier in this thread he’s so naked and the jewelry would have helped him be slightly less naked and made him flashy. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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Bro we got some eye colors and some skin colors. That’s it.

You are acting like we came into your house stole your tv and attacked your grandma. You need to get a grip.

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You got a second visual theme which infringes on the BE main theme. And it was during the core race pass, meanwhile Blood Elves got jewelry, that can’t be used on the male model at all.

We can only hope that’s it. :roll_eyes:

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And yet people still like to act like we won somehow. Lol.

Don’t hold your breath dearie, I like you far too much to have you die from lack of air.

Oh no the horror. The best race looking race in the game for years still looks great.

Yeah that’s… totally worth getting mad about?

you did that the ISSUE you should have NEVER ever been giving our customizations in the first place it’s as they say Cultural Appropriation in a nutshell you were not happy so you bullied the company to give you the LOTRO aesthetics. And we got nothing in return except Alliance players mocking us all the time. so you get a grip.

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Cheers to this!

Hopefully Blizzard sees Blood Elf fan feedback too!

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I like how you try and frame things so that being gifted a huge chunk of what was asked for is supposedly some trifling little thing


Actually the opposition has been whinely, petulant, selfish and spammy the whole time.

What the actual heck? O.O


Nobody “bullied” anyone. Asking for stuff is not bullying sorry.

Also I never asked for any of these options. I just logged into the forums one day and saw the blue post announcing them. Before that I was a Night Elf and Human main.

Because it IS a trifling little thing. And you all are blowing it up like it’s a freaking war crime.

It’s ridiculous.