No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Friendly with the Horde is not the same as fighting for the Horde. And Alliance High Elves have fought for the alliance for years.

How many years has their been a faction of humans fighting for the Horde? Oh wait…

And Reznick the Shiv works for SI:7.

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In what twilight zone?

That’s your best counter argument? lol


They haven’t had the backing of Quel’thalas in years, but the Horde has had the full backing of the main population of High Elves for years.

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Also Alterac.

But I mean you’re the one taking the handful that have joined the Alliance military and pretending they speak for all the varied high elf groups that seem to mainly be keeping to themselves.


It was not if you took the time to read it did you miss the part where I said if y’all got something that’s from our faction (Nelf skins and model for Nightbourne) that I would be happy for y’all instead of crying on the forums “but my special race identity!”


Difference is we didn’t and we won’t, so your argument has already fallen apart by saying if we got it because you already know we didn’t and we won’t so try again and this time do better if you actually expect replies from me.

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Not only is it not a comparable situation with Nightborne model being obviously different for the… not better (idk how to put it?)

But also its not even comparable because the Nightborne core race on the opposite faction didn’t get lack luster customizations during the core race pass, so not only is Void Elves not comparable because they have the exact same model but Night Elves weren’t shafted in favor of their AR on the opposite faction.


What are you even on about? I am not saying that the high elves that fight for the alliance speak for literally anyone other than themselves.

You giving examples of singular entities that have chosen to fight for the alliance is not the same as having an an entire faction fighting for them.

Yeah I’m still bothered Night Elves got the bob haircut that Nightborne have because Nightborne have so few options already it’s like really why take even more from them when they have barely nothing anyway already?

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I’m confused then. Because they’re hanging out in the Mage District.

Then be confused.

Quel’thalas left in WC2.

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That I don’t think there’s anywhere near the numbers of high elves that are actually part of the Alliance to try and pretend they’re significant enough that they need to be playable when the race is already on the Horde. It both wastes customization options that could add something new to the game, and takes away from the core race when the newcomers get a better version and it ends up where one of the biggest chunks of additional options given to the Blood Elves is just handed over to the void elves as well. So the void elves get a wider array of thematic options and the core race gets the shaft.


Imagine playing retail after this happened LOL. 99% blood elf character models running around the world. Who’s who?

You are whining as if Blood Elves didn’t get the SAME EXACT OPTIONS. I’m fact they got MORE. The Blood Elves also got jewelry options the Void Elves didn’t get. But the Blood Elves got all the same eye options and skin colors as the Void Elves did. Not only that but almost all races got new options in the game so the Void Elves getting skin and eye colors didn’t take away from anything.

You are crying over imagined slights that never happened.

You have that reversed.

Please, tell me what other race has both realistic and fantasy spectrums of skin colors?

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… Yeah they are part of the Blood Elf theme, your theme is void, you now have two visual themes one of which infringes on Blood Elves.

So did Night Elves, another core race but they also got more accessories than just jewelry.

And the jewelry is only usable on the female characters.

Blood Elves are also a core race, and Void Elves made out better than most core races including the one they parallel and stole from, as well as better than all other ARs.


It can be confusing at times but Void Elves have gross weird hair that looks like they never shower and we don’t.

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