No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

And this somehow explains so much all of a sudden…

Yeah, I was never expecting to “convert” because that’s not how a debate works, but understanding was never going to happen if you think that High elves in the alliance even worked to begin with.

Imma just go get dinner.

Careful, your true nature it’s showing.


Explain to how players on another faction that you will probably never really see running around in the game except in pvp and sometimes neutral zones is going to ruin your happiness, or enjoyment in the game? If seeing other people happy makes you unhappy then I guess you have some personal issues to workout. If the Horde were suddenly given NE models to replace their Nightbourne ones tomorrow I would not rant about it on the forums, or be toxic to all the supporters of that change. I would move on with my life and hope they Horde players enjoyed their new stuff that got from us and that it made some of them happy. Not when their are actual real problems in the game to be unhappy about.

Why your enjoyement of the game should trample on other people’s enjoyment of the game?

Why only one Horde race should be giving away their visual identity just because it’s something you’d enjoy?

Don’t use that argument because it goes both ways dude.

At this point they can literally be what they want on Alliance, but this last part their pushing for encroaches on what Blood Elves have left so I’m not happy about it.

Very much this.


That heck do you mean by wayfarer? The high elves have been apart of the alliance for years.

What are you asking? You don’t know what a Wayfarer is? You’re a Void Elf still, isn’t it nice but you can say your character is a Wayfarer from the Rift.

One sidedness, I cannot stress this enough, that’s literally how they are and always are going to be.

Selfish people and one sided people are going to be selfish and one sided.


Honestly I thought the whole high elf thing was just a salty meme from the forums, but I’m starting to think that some of you are actually genuinely upset about the high elf options that we got. And that’s ridiculous.

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Well if it’s just a meme I think we can agree the level of importance of memes is very little. So I guess yes the High Elves on the Alliance are now of little importance.

Of course. Memes are just meant to be an elaborate joke and a way to mess with people. It’s not something to be taken seriously.

Oh I see now it’s your turn to misunderstand what someone is saying. High Elves are more important than ever on the Alliance side because now they are everywhere whereas before they were just way in the background.

The meme here in this situation is the ridiculous amount of salt that blood elf players have towards Alliance High Elves for their new customization options.

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Says someone on the side of the people who have been whining for over a decade because Blizzard didn’t put the pretty elves in the pretty faction.


Do you say that with some sort of long history of experience on misunderstanding?


I could care less what other people have been doing with their time . I didn’t ask for high elf customization options once in all of the time that I have spent playing this game.

I just logged in one day to find the forums on fire and a blue post telling me that I was going to have all kinds of new customization options. It was great.

Not like they weren’t around for 13 years though, and so a potentially awesome race gets watered down to placate picky people who refuse to play the race they want as it has existed for most of the history of the game.


The people are playing the race that they want though? The problem before was people just didn’t want to join the evil faction in order to do it and now they don’t have to. So it works out for everyone.

Also High Elves have existed on both sides of the faction War for years and years at this point. Having the option to play as one for both sides is something they should have done from the start. So all they have done is fix their mistakes.

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Toxic much?

They should have been alliance.

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You calling me toxic when your whole last post was 100% nothing except one sidedness. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Nope. It works out for you.

That’s like saying Horde and Alliance have equal rights to Humans as a playable race because some are friendly with the Horde.

And yet for the vast majority of the race, they aren’t.

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:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :rofl:

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