No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

I’d roll my eyes at the cringe lore character knockoff names but I don’t have any.

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What have I personally been asking for?


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You got me.

riiiiight . . . think I’m done here, this thread is making me dizzy.

Sorry to hear that because people on that side are just awful, I just as I said have zero tolerance for them, thankfully they are turning more and more people against them over time so.

I personally wouldn’t call what you’ve been doing particularly greedy.

But it does display very blatant double standards.

One sidedness is what Alliance players are good at, they say they want this and that and they deserve it for reasons, we do the same thing and we don’t deserve it for reasons. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

I did say I’m not against nightborne getting some night elf features mind you . . . only mentioned lore behind why they don’t currently have em

I really, really don’t wish to generalize. But it’s becoming more and more difficult to not do so.

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We been asking for too long that’s why and blizzard just troll us by not giving the rightful hair colors.

And as I said, if the reasons for one are perfectly valid, the reasons you are willignly ignoring within the context of the NB story, are valid as well.

This means nothing.

You have the model, you have the skin tones, you have the RP tools to say you’re a HE wayfarer, that is hardly “trolling” you.


You’ll get there eventually, like I did and like everyone else does, it’s not really a good thing like a good thing but when they drive you that way it is what it is. Lol.

not ignoring, just current WoW history . . . unless it got retconned . . . I don’t know I got these three Chronicle books here.

And no one cares what you’ve been asking for, if Blizzard wanted you to have High Elves they would have given you them like they did us in the form of Blood Elves, instead you got corrupted Blood Elves as Void Elves with bad hair.

But, they’re very clear.

The scarcifications are there not because of the Nightwell, that much it’s obvious, they have specific patterns.

The NB are stable now, we did that in game. They should be able to build more muscle.

And you just made me repeat myself… because you are, indeed, willingly ignoring this.

For the last time you aren’t entitled to Blood Elf assets.


Because at the end of the day it’s just a game, and I firmly believe that players being able to play whatever makes them happy is always a good thing. Blizzard decided when they were making TBC to put Blood Elves in the Horde. I don’t agree with that choice, but that’s the choice Blizzard made they are the ones who control and own the game, so how I feel about the choice is irrelevant. Blizzard has now years later decided to give some players on the Allaince a version of something they asked for. You don’t agree with that choice(that’s fine you have a right to your opinion) Blizzard are the ones who own and control the game how you feel about that choice is irrelevant. The point is neither one of us make any of the creative choices in this game. We don’t own it we don’t work for Blizzard. What I don’t understand is why not use this energy to ask Blizzard for things you do want in the game instead of fighting with us in the forums about a decision that’s already been made? Even though I don’t play Horde their are things I hope y’all get in the future. Such as Dark Elf ranger options for Blood Elf players,(that us Allaince players can’t have) playable Ogres for the horde, Nightbourne who can look like NEs etc. I just think more choices for everyone is a good thing across the board, and instead of continuing this tired debate why don’t you use that passion for something more constructive and better for the player base at large. If you are salty just, because some people in the player base being happy requires that you share something that sounds like more of a you problem to me.

They aren’t entitled to anything, the whole sense of entitlement is what’s wrong with our world these days.