No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Blizzard gave the race to us. Therefore it wasn’t stolen because they decided that you weren’t entitled. Blizzard’s decision. If you don’t like it you can vote with your wallet instead of being hysterical on the forums for over a decade.


Says the person playing Alliance, trying to justify stealing our race and crying on the forums because people say things you don’t like.


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Another hysterical, delusional, irrational, and unreasonable helf stan for the block list.

I’m so tired of these petulant people demanding a copy of a Horde race instead of being reasonable and seeking to steal options from other races on their own faction where everyone wins.


who’s hysterical? I’m politely asking like a normal customer, not throwing a hissy fit. my request is no less valid then anyone else’s.


No it doesn’t.

Whether a void elf or blood elf dyes their hair is not a cultural issue.

I just don’t understand it, Void Elves can now basically to the individual come from the “Wayfarers” for all Blizzard cares. They can look the part well enough (as this is a compromise? and it’s already skewed in their favor so what more is there???), it should be Blood Elf fans and core races that were subpar that should be complaining.

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I don’t mind that velves can’t be blonde or ginger. But I wouldn’t mind some more “high elf” hair colors instead like sky blue, silver, or lavender that still fit the void elf aesthetic.


It does get old fast it’s why I have zero tolerance for threads like this at all anymore and even less tolerance for the people trying to steal all of our customization options.

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I just want them to leave Blood Elves alone and take their sticky little fingers elsewhere.


You’re getting your hate groups mixed up, and suggesting that players who play or want to play an elf with blue eyes and blonde hair are part of a terrorist group is pretty much the lowest of the low.

You realize that your insult applies to BE players as well, right?


Don’t bite, for all that’s unholy, please, don’t bite.


Because with these people it’s me, me, me and mine, mine, mine, they don’t care about anyone but themselves, it’s like I said earlier today these threads have shown me how greedy, rude, selfish and one sided Alliance players really are.

so its greed that we disagree with you? now THAT kinda sounds selfish . . . sigh

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Way to generalize an entire faction of players based on someone’s request for a specific hair color.


I don’t think that was so much about the Alliance as a whole, as it is about those who won’t be happy until a complete copy paste, maybe save for the one thing that doesn’t fit with their perfect elven fantasy (green glowing eyes), are fully in the Alliance.

You already got the majority of what you want from who you’re asking. Of course you feel the momentum in your favor.

Blood elves already got what they wanted preserved taken away. Of course we’re upset about the issue.

Who cares who is hysterical. It’s about who is right, and you are wrong. Blizzard was wrong. This change will end up costing them subs. I’m not that faithful of a customer. This is not that great of a game.

The most selfish people are people like you, you have proven it with multiple posts today and you are so one sided I refuse to even talk to you so I won’t engage you past what I already have.

Stop asking and I won’t anymore, pretty cool how that works out eh?

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I like you’re name. Also just give us the hair color they’re the same race.

I was really sad to see the other day my friend is a huge HE fan, and he is happy with this compromise and is against natural hair; it didn’t take long before people were accusing him of being an “anti”, which was sad for me to see :pensive:

I kind of think Blizzard could resolve this by having High Elf Wayfarer/Scholars reflect hair choices for player characters as is right now, and updating Alleria as well xD