No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

I wouldn’t go as far as to say that, should not understimate the power of wanting “teh pretty elves on the gud side” only.


Well I personally have zero tolerance for Horde players who think they have the right to tell other people who pay $15 bucks a month for this game what they are and are not allowed to have, and what fantasies they are allowed to have. All we wanted was one simple thing playable High Elves, but no the antis decided that Allaince can’t have anything nice it’s not fair. I wish some people would get off their high horses and remember that this is just a game at the end of the day. To everyone both pro and anti that have been kind and civil I thank you all rant over.


This really makes me want to make a drinking game version around this topic like the ones that Delish or Cosmo makes it could include stuff like take a shot every time someone mentions a Blood Elf, drink whatever is left in your cup when they say they don’t want to steal your race, etc. Lol.


…You do realize Horde players are also paying 15$ a month, right?

Who are you to tell those paying Horde players what they should or shouldn’t want for their own race’s uniqueness?


I say yes since Void Elves don’t look like Silver Covenant High Elves and since Silver Covenant has Normal Hair Colors, Eye Colors, and High Blood Elf Hairstyles. I think they should have those Hairstyles and hair colors.

We pay the same amount and we don’t pay it so that you can steal everything from our race for your faction just because you don’t want to play Horde, so go cry elsewhere you aren’t going to get any sympathy from me.


It’s all good :heart: haha!

Trying to catch up on this but skimming xD

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It’s the same arguments.

“But m’RTS.”
They left at the end of WC2.

“But some remained behind.”
Their nation left.

“But m’Silver Covenant”
Is neutral.

“But in MoP…”
Jaina was made leader and went crazy, breaking neutrality. Then in Legion Dadgar brought neutrality back.

“But there are NPCs.”
That doesn’t entitle you to a playable race.

“But my perfect pure blonde hair blue eyed ary elf lotr fantasy.”

First of all, is that a white sheet? Second of all, nobody cares. Third of all, LOTRO exists.


they aren’t though . . . they literally formed to keep the horde (specifically blood elves) out of Dalaran and the Kirin Tor.

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That’s why I said a few posts back I should really make a drinking game for us but that would be really bad for our livers within like a few days, literally. Haha.


Still doesn’t entitle you to robbing a Horde race.

They also failed to keep Blood Elves out of Dalaran.


To be honest, Rhonin’s arm candy getting pouty because the people she abandoned in favor of following a human wanted in Dalaran after Dalaran requested them to be there, is not a very strong bond with the Alliance.


Just cancel your subs. They already went too far with fair skin on void elves. Remove soy elves from the game if you want my sub back blizzard. There is no reason for this.

Human potential. Eyebrow waggle.

Not so much human potential as it is writers giving themselves hot elven waifus.

uuuuugh . . . I’m not TRYING TO STEAL A HORDE RACE, rather trying to have an Alliance race represented . . . THATS ALL. you don’t own the blood elf race and blizzard seems open to adding more options . . . all I’m gonna say.


Well yeah. In my case human potential is an euphemism.

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Humans in this game are a walking euphemism.

By all means cancel your subs less toxic players sounds like an improvement to me!

toxic yikes