No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Go measure some femurs and let this go dude.


If you mean race name is high elf then i don’t care. This is about looks not a name. Just need the hair colors and fantasy will be filled.

Yeah they are annoying and why I have zero tolerance for them or them wanting or asking for anything at all now.

Also lol, good luck with that he blocked me quite some time ago after I chewed him out super bad and I’m grateful.


They left after WC2.


sigh there’s no debating with you on this, I could bring why why any race stands with any posture like why do female Draenei arc their spines the way they do but it feels rather pointless here . . . Your acting like this is some form of evil plan to rob the horde of its identity and I’m some form of top hatred mustache twirling villain who’d tied Lor’themar to some train tracks.

This is a bold-faced lie and you know it.

You’ll get nothing at all for being demanding and petulant except for turning people against you.


And yet mage priests were a thing in Warcraft 3 . . . Also the silver covenant in WOTLK.

I’m not saying you’re that. But it does come off as rather hypocritical when suddenly, the excuses to make an Alliance race look like a copy of a Horde one are valid, but the ones to make a Horde race look like a copy of an Alliance one aren’t.


So a few stayed to help.

This doesn’t mean anything.

In lore, the vast majority of them and their nation left the Alliance as did any claim that you have on them.

Besides, a few NPCs existing does not a valid claim to a playable race make, let alone one that already belongs to another faction.

Asking for High Arakkoa and Peacock’dorei makes more sense and the later doesn’t exist.


The high elves has a standing army though . . . also there’s far fewer void elves are they are described as a “elite unit”


12 high elves is not an army. Headcanons aren’t lore.

. . . there’s more then 12 people, and in game numbers don’t equal lore numbers . . . Unless you honestly think the human town of goldshire only consists of a tavern, a smithy, and a single cart lorewise

Remember boys and girls. A handful of individuals not listening to the word of their leader, renders the word of that leader pointless.

Or something along those lines.

EDIT: Hey, guess what? I guess the forsaken are innocent then.


Silver Covenant was shown to be as big an army as night elves.

I’m really tired of these petulant greedy lorebreakers who just can’t accept that High Elves became Blood Elves became Horde.

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They’re neutral.

Tell me about it, I’m surprised I haven’t resorted to heavy drinking by now.

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I’m pretty sure it’s the same eight people switching alts over and over again to get off my ignore list making the same tired and debunked arguments.

LMFAO! Can you imagine how bad our livers would all be if we took a shot or a drink every time we had to say the same thing that we already have over and over and over in these threads?