No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

So, once again, lore should explain the overstepping on the visual uniqueness of a Horde race, but when it’s used to try to balance the scale and do the same to an Alliance race, it doesn’t work.


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This debate is going nowhere and no ones convincing anyone of anything. The fact of the matter is there are high elves and even blood elves lining up to join the void elves, and since they aren’t doing that ritual to turn them blue and voidy most new void elves are gonna go the Alleria route of taking I void energies but maintaining the original appearance, unless blizzard for some reason decides to backpeddle and say they are performing the ritual, which if you recall was supposed to turn Umbric and his followers into Ethereals which comes off as kinda pandering.

Also I am not asking for green eyes on void elves, no fel for me Thanks.


You are just asking to have a Horde race taken 100% from Horde and put on Alliance without one eye color. Haha.


Not really, I’m asking for a race that has been shown on the alliance side since the old warcraft RTS games which exists in numbers large enough to have a standing army (high elves certainly outnumber the void elf “elite crack team”). To be represented in alliance customization with hair colors and normal hair styles that aren’t the blood elf styles or tones (humans or dwarves maybe).


And again, we’ve seen common people among the Nightborne during our time in suramar. It makes no sense tha a vendor at a zoo’s gift shop looks the exact same way, has access to the same runic markings and that they stand with the same regal posture as the first arcanist.

Those scarcifications (I mistakenly called them tattoos) are not something that, say, a common warrior should have. Not to mention that we, the players, gre the Arcandor to help them get better, meaning it’s safe to say that many should have more meat on their bones.

See, a perfect explenation as to why NB could perfectly have full Night Elven models… but again, apparently it doesn’t work for whatever reason.



High Elves were already given to Horde in the form of Blood Elves which is why we have them and have all the customizations, you can say what you want but it’s clear you are just trying to steal our race and our customizations, so try to justify it all you want but it’s a load of BS, you know it, I know it and so does everyone else and what makes it worse is you are one sided to the maximum about how we shouldn’t get 100% customizations from Night Elves.


We kinda saw why it doesn’t work for them, remember Thalyssra has green hair before the dome went up.

She didn’t have green hair, she was bald under the cowl.

And again, why a common warrior should have magical markings? Why wouldn’t their healing progress lead them to gain fat and muscle mass?

Or perhaps… it’s only ok when the aesthetics of a Horde race are being taken by the opposite side. There’s a word for that.

All nightborne consumed the energies of the nighwell via arc wine and arc juice for the kiddies . . . Also she had green hair in the Suramar cutscene that gave the nightborne’s backstory back in Legion.

They’re described as a “remnant of a remnant.” Their race left the old Alliance. We’re lucky we even got Void Elves, it was that or never any Thalassian elves for Alliance.


I agree; Velfs should not have been able to get the Belf skin colours.

Touching the void should corrupt, and as such their skin should only be shades of purple/blue/black.

I also feel that Belfs should only have shades of white/pink.


And somehow the effect of the Nightwell scarred their skin in very specific patterns? The Nightwell also got their spines stuck in a pose that screams “I’m better than you, I have a certificate”?

Again, seems very convenient that you are ok with some flimsy justification whipped during an interview with nohing in game backing it up other than a few NPCs idling about, but you’re willingly ignoring things that make no sense within the context of the things we’ve seen in game.

Almost as if you’re ok with the visual identity of blood elves being taken for the Alliance but not ok if the situation went the other way around. As I said, there’s a word for that.

All that Blizzard giving Void Elves and Alliance that has done is show how greedy, rude, selfish and one sided Alliance players really are and what’s worst about it is they try to justify it again and again and again.

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Just give us the hair colors and we won’t be greedy anymore.

Or you can accept that you can’t always get what you want and you know, grow from the experience.


Biggest lie ever told, thankfully I’m not as nice as other posters so try peddling that BS elsewhere because I know better.

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This entire ordeal is all the result of blizz offering a hand and people reaching for the whole torso. It will never end.

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I know because if they get hair colors they’ll want hairstyles, then they’ll want Paladin class, then Demon Hunter class and so on and so on because it never ends with these people, it’s why I think Blizzard made a mistake both by giving them Void Elves to begin with and by not taking them away when they were ungrateful about getting them.

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You’re speaking in future stance but thing is, this is already happening. People are already asking for velves paladins and DHs.

EDIT: OH dear lord, I need to go and measure some femurs, I’m seeing a name I do NOT wish to interact with.


It’ll end.

The end goal has always been obvious. Playable High Elves on Alliance.

Saying, “It’ll never end.” or, “It’ll never stop.” is erroneous.