No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

I’m on my tablet and for some reason it’s only letting me post on classic characters.

I saw, but forsaken are not the only race that had a leader that didn’t look like them.

Velen also always had a very unique model compared to the other male draenei, and I don’t see anyone asking for taller gnomes just because Mekkatorque is taller.


I noticed that’s why I said edit on my post because I noticed it after I had hit reply. Lol.

Wait, what? Void Elves are exact copies of Blood Elves. The only thing we don’t share with them are green eyes and our hairstyles and colors.

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He’s just taller so we can see him well enough to kill him…

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I will never understand why people still argue this because everytime I see it, I automatically think you can’t be serious?


To be fair, blood elves don’t have hair colors that make them look as if they’re going through a tumblr phase, but that’s the least of my concerns.

…where is my full beard for my warrior, Blizzard?


Honestly didn’t think I’d have to list every race that couldn’t but alright.

  • Undead
  • Draenei in the beard department
  • Lightforged if you count turalyon as their leader
  • Void elves in the hair style and color department
  • Night elf males beard wise
  • Nightborne eye shape wise
  • Kul tirans body shape wise
  • Everyone size wise because all racial leaders are bigger then the default race for some reason.

My Demon Hunter too, it’s my only male character but I wanted better facial hair options as well.

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muted, crap post.

I swear, that chin strip makes me sad because it looks good but… so, so close to greatness… at least make it fuller.

I know these, but as I said, if only, it proves that just because the leader looks one way, it doesn’t mean that those they lead will or should look the same.

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I know, I was hoping you could have both but when I went to redo his customizations I noticed he couldn’t have both the new facial hair options together or full beard which made me and makes me sad, more so when I looked at what Human and Night Elf got in facial hair options.

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Alright then give me one lore reason as to why void elves shouldn’t have natural hair styles and colors? Don’t mean to sound confrontational I’m legit asking.

Because they were barely saved from the very brink of turning into full void creatures?

I’ve done the scenario.

And what about future void elves? Blizzard has stated they aren’t performing the ritual on any new acolytes and we don’t know if worgen rules apply to their procreation . . . Or if they even can.


Yes they whipped something out while an interview, but we’ll see if we ever seen an actual basis for this in game or any other canon source.

And again, you want lore justification for overstepping on the visual uniqueness of a Horde race, that seems quite convenient.


If only they hadn’t of been we wouldn’t have to put up with any of this BS. Lol.


It’s a fair question, like how there’s lore reasons barring undead from paladins air gnomes from druids.

Then where are the night elven customizations for Nightborn. There’s plenty of commoners among their ranks. It would make sense for many of them to not have magical runic tattoos and a regal stance.

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. . . Not really, I mean I’m ok with some night elf options on nightborne sure, but the nightborne story is nowhere near the same as the void elf one. There’s not gonna be a straight up night elf in Suramar these days though . . . Maybe a nightborne with blue hair or silver eyes.