No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Well . . . That’s kinda rude.

No one OWNs an eye color, you could just as easily say blood elves were stolen by the horde back in BC . . . It’s not an truly accurate statement, but you could say it.

I see no harm in allowing us to have normal hair colors and styles, so long as we don’t rip them directly from blood elf scalps.

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I mean that’s what I’m trying to tell him.
Blood elves didn’t steal anything from void elves.

No one stole anything from anyone really, these things were given. It brings everyone closer to fulfilling their desires for races which can only lead to good things.


And I’m not saying anyone stole anything, so not sure why you’re directing this at me.

I’m not, merely discussing in a friendly manner . . . despite my forum avatar pointing her gun up

Because you are always lovely to converse with, at least in all of my experiences chatting with you. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Starla isn’t saying that, but I certainly am. Void elves did steal the visual uniqueness of Blood elves.

If the line between factions it’s blurred it’s not a good thing. They should be distinct because this game’s foundation it’s bi-factional.


lol…it kind of is pointing at me. :scream_cat:

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Careful all the defenders of that we haven’t lost anything and how we somehow won with getting Nightborne will show up. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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It still boggles my mind how anyone can objectively look at both VE and NB and think that the exchange was done to benefit us… it ain’t NB the ones that look the closest to NEs.


From what I’ve gathered from what people say usually in these threads we took the Night Elf model with Nightborne and now we have it on Horde, I don’t agree and I never have but it’s what people say.

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Not really, void elves didn’t steal the blood elves story or visual flair (unless they changed the void elf heritage armor to a purple revolve of the blood elf when while I was’t looking)

Only thing they got was the ability to look more like their racial leader, which is something almost every other race can pull off face wise (armor is another beast all together)

Edit: I said ALMOST, I know some races like undead can’t. Also mag’har can’t have blue eyes for some ungodly reason.

Avoiding the obvious bone related joke.

Eh, atleast folk can see my face . . . Lots of gnomes don’t even have that

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Denial is one heck of a… uh… substance.

I specifically said visual uniqueness. And they partially did at the start, now they went and took a little more of it, because what was taken was not enough.

I’m sorry but I’ve seen this argument so many times that at this point I’ve put it in the same shelf of greatest hits such as as the “But Pandaren!” and “They were always alliance! WC3 doesn’t matter!”.

We’ve seen again and again leaders that look nothing like the people they lead, taking your race of choice, Mekkatorque is even canonically taller than the rest of the gnomes. Why Alleria suddenly needs share her looks with those she leads? Should LF draenei be replaced with humans wearing hooven shoes and fake tails because Turalyon leads them?

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No, denial is a river.


What happened to your Priest?

Edit - nevermind it’s a classic toon not retail toon. Lol.

Yes…as my Gnome knows very well.

I said ALMOST, even edited my comment to point that out.