No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

So much of that is what I understand and saw happen here as well. I’m not sure about all of it, but I would hope we could all put that behind us now.
Everyone dredging up past behavior isn’t helping our discussion. It’s also the same for the people who keep crying that blood elves shouldn’t have been given to the Horde.
It’s over and done now.

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I get that back when we got new hairstyles for Blood Elves (was it in cata? can’t remember for sure) we got at least one new one from draenie and human females got some of our blood elf styles. The sharing of hairstyles between factions but with races that look very different from each other is just fine with me.
The main problem with sharing is that Void and Blood elves already look exactly the same. :crying_cat_face:


Perhaps there’s a middle ground. What if Blizzard took some popular Void Elf hairstyles as a base and modified them so the style was still similar but different enough to look unique from the original?

And going further, what if those modified styles were shared with more than just Blood Elves… like say… Nightborne? :smiley:

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and if it mattered THAT MUCH to me, I wouldn’t have a Void Elf. But it doesn’t. I like interjecting in these mad elf threads. It’s true. I don’t like the Void Elf hair styles. I don’t like the human ones, either. Yet…I have human toons and a female Void Elf that I enjoy.

I find the angst and constant whinging about the Blood Elf/Void Elf “issue” exhausting, and so I throw my two pennies in now and again.

EVERYTHING people ask for in the game is personal preference. Everything. There’s nothing wrong with having preferences or things we’d like to be different in the game. It makes for interesting conversation.

The place it starts to wrinkle my nose and raise my eyebrow is when people start catastrophizing things like this. “I’m quitting the game because I hate Vulpera and Void Elves” or “You people who like X or Y want to see the game destroyed.”

That’s ridiculous.

In the end, what it’s about is…I’d prefer it if I could have updo’s with no hair in the face on my Velves, and other players wish the Velves and the Belves were more distinct from each other in appearance, and other players really want High Elves to be a playable race, and other players really wish the Undead & Male trolls could stand upright, and other players really wish we’d gotten Vrykul instead of Kul Tirans…and on and on.

We all have preferences, and that’s why we have stuff to talk about on these forums. I just wish there weren’t so many “OMG WOW IS DEAD AND I’M QUITTING” levels of angst over it.


But they are literally the same race, void taint doesnt change your race lol.

Also, could be news for you but Mag’har and Orcs are still both Orcs.

Actually even better Lightforged and Draenei are still Draenei too!
It’s crazy, I know!


They used Alleria to pitch the whole VE concept to the player base, and they made Alleria look a certain way. Players should be able to make their VEs look like Alleria does. It doesn’t have anything to do with factions or with the Belfs, even.

In related news. American shorthair and tigers are both cats, and thus the same thing! :joy:

The new options mean you can choose to be a regular blood elf which is same race. They just need to add blonde and whiter hair now.

That’s miles from an accurate analogy. Different races of human are still the same species.

Alleria has the all the “normal” hair/skin/eyes turned on, and she has from the very beginning. I’d say working as intended, I rather like mine with pale skin and blue eyes. Some of the hair colors look wonky, and of course the tentacles become kind of out of place, but I made it work. Both sides now have a version of high elves that isn’t literally high elves, and again, I see nothing wrong.

i can see you’re as sharp as a smooth brick, my boy

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Jokes always seem to drop short among people who take this kind of thing too seriously :joy:

Nah, it was just a bad analogy.

I thought it was funny. That’s all that matters to me. xD

The comment you disagreed with was that BE ‘stole’ the option to have Blue eyes from the Alliance. That’s a true post as VE did have blue eye shades first. It has nothing to do with what BE ‘should have’ it’s what they gained that belonged to the other race. This is literally what you are against with VE taking BE options. Pretty sure they got the VE beard option too or one copied from it.

I’m not saying they should not have blue eyes, just that it does not follow your own views.

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Yeah…no, you’re wrong.
Blue eyes always belonged to Blood Elves as they had blue and other colors before anything effected their eye colors turning green.
Blue eyes were predicted by the devs to be returned to Blood elves.


It’s not, actually. Its been mass reported before and un-flagged. Sharing someone’s views / opinions into another thread isn’t harassment if they themselves said those things. It’s letting people see what those people have said / how they act. If that’s harassment because they act negatively, maybe they shouldn’t act that way?

If you want legolas fantasies, lotro is waiting for you.

If you want a blonde elf, the Horde is waiting for you.

Nobody cares about your fantasies when you’re so obnoxious about them.


Except in wow there is still original skin elven race with humans on the alliance too.

You are gonna have a lot of like notifications from me just now, sorry in advance when it’s all Naughtymoon this or that. Lol. :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: