No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

This, I find it highly irksome having to Jump to a new thread every other day.

I personally don’t think it’s a good idea to keep Void Elf and Blood Elf requests in the same thread as I feel both races are being undermined and one feels part and parcel to the other. The thread itself seems to serve as a glorified chat room of sorts.


See, I think that’s a bit of a let down with the NB. All they bring to the horde is their wonky model, leaving the orcs aside, their story isn’t just parallel to the blood elves it’s nearly overlapping, so it’s just rehashing a theme we already have instead of bringing something new to the table. I mean, maybe it they make it so that line of Oculeth’s about the dangers of unanchored portals becomes something major they could do something with that. But as it is, it’s the story is too similar.

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THIS 100% it was so badly done I was laughing so hard. Broken would have been so much better and I thought for sure they were going to be added but NO blizzard didn’t listen to the players and we got wonky elves with no story.

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I would be naive if I kept pushing for more for Void Elves when Blood Elf customization is so lacking. Not to mention the additional requests often infringe on the Blood Elf main theme, and all Blood Elves have.

I don’t think asking for both does anything but push core races back to the side, you’re the one in my eyes making it a competition by not advocating for core races to be addressed first.

Competing for dev time, and asking for more that infringes on Blood Elves. That’s why I’m very protective of Blood Elves.

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This one’s mine. I changed a fair amount about him, and I’m a lot happier with his look now…

But blood elves do have some gaping holes in their customization options.

I’m downright miffed that orcs got their ritualistic scarring while blood elves still lack their box art rune scarification, fer example.


Anyways it’s late and I am going to bed. Night night all thank you for the good conversation.


Then I shall endeavor to be more clear when talking about my requests, that what I want should not come before the core races have enough options to be considered at an acceptable level.

I agree that the core races should come first. I’m perfectly fine waiting my turn, even if that means Void Elves end up dead last in the line up having gotten their skins early.


It was why I was a bit baffled that people were confused they went Horde.

I’m also not sure about Liandrin’s line about night elves hiding while blood elves protect the world. It’s a bit out of character for her to lie and that was flat out a Ban’dorei-shaped lie… but maybe it was diplomacy speak. Whatever.

I see what you mean about the lack of novel themes. At least they have named characters and seem pretty active, something the horde needs.

Completely agree :clap:t3::clap:t3:

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Void elf eye color have nothing to do with Blood Elf eye color. Blood Elves eye color was predicted to change back to their previous colors from the cleansing of the sunwell.

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Just let us play our fantasy and give the hair colors. Damage is done blood elf is neutral race like pandas. Void elf = tu shui and blood elf = huojin. So should have same hair color too.

It is my belief that linking other threads in this thread and harassing another player like this are against the TOS. Personal opinions aside, I would probably delete this post.

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Probably won’t happen. Devs have been heard saying that they regret making the pandas neutral.

To clarify this, one dev said he regretted it, and he said this in a tweet he made after he had left Blizzard’s employ. The devs as a whole have never expressed such a stance.

That’s not to say the devs as a whole didn’t hold this to be true at the time or still hold it to be true now, only that the only known reference to this is a tweet from Ghostcrawler made after he stopped working for Blizzard. This tweet was also made years ago, and as Garrosh reminds us:


Fair enough.

Then I amend my stance. I hope they don’t. I like pandas. They are my second favorite race to play, but I don’t think the same race being on both factions. The races should be visually distinct. All of them. You should be able to tell exactly what and who they are from glance.

It’s the same reason why I don’t think a paladin should be able to transmog to look like a cleric. Yea, it’s find from a lore perspective and story, but for a video game… you need to have some distinction. Otherwise the visual design of the game just becomes a mess.

Edit: For TLDR Purposes, I love void elves and blood elves, and I don’t mind some high elf customization. (My void elf is pale skinned). But they should be able to be told which is which from glance at your monitor.


It’s interesting how so many of what people are asking for it a matter of personal taste. I love the void elf hairstyles and would really love to use them on my BE which I play the most. But I’m not going to ask for that or agree to that since I don’t want an alliance race and a horde race to look more alike.
I’ll play a void elf if the hairstyles matter that much to me.


No need to make up things that aren’t true just because you’re jealous.

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Agreed with this.

It’s the trueth. If you play alliance you would know.

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I’m very happy about that addition. :heart_eyes_cat:
I would like to point out that many of us if not most of us who were asking for blue eyes for years is because the devs themselves suggested this would be a natural thing to eventually happen to Blood Elves due to the cleansing of the sunwell.

I agree with your stance here. I’d like to keep some distinction between Blood and Void Elves if possible.

Still, I’m more open to the sharing of Void Elf hairstyles with Blood Elves primarily because:

a) Blood Elves shared their skin tones
b) Blood Elf players have asked for them

I’d look like a real jerk if I praise sharing one way but oppose sharing in another.